The Limited Times

Police violence: Macron wants "proposals to improve ethics"

1/14/2020, 4:32:27 PM

This intervention comes two days after a reminder by the police to their duty to "set an example" and to "ethics" of Christoph

Emmanuel Macron asked the government on Tuesday for "clear proposals to improve the ethics" of the police, faced with new accusations of violence.

"Behaviors that are not acceptable have been either seen or pointed out," declared the head of state in Pau, while also deploring "the violence and political nihilism" that some protesters express.

Without "generalizing" these behaviors, the Head of State does not want "this affects the credibility and dignity" of "professionals of the internal security forces" and "for this there must be no indulgence".

"Clear proposals"

"I hope that the Ministry of the Interior can make clear proposals to me as soon as possible to improve the ethics, the control elements," he explained, but "in no case do I want this subject comes to hide the deep violence which exists in our society and of which the internal security forces are the first victims ”.

Macron: "I expect the highest ethical standards from our police"

Two days after having already reminded the police of their professionalism and ethics, the Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner on Monday devoted a good part of his wishes to the National Police to the duty of "exemplarity" and to "Ethics".

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The leader of La France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, said he was "satisfied" with the words of the executive, which he said had "been too late and let too much go". The Marseille deputy stressed that “legitimate violence must show restraint, mastery and discipline. "

Mr. Speaker, the police expect more resources and more consideration from you and your government!

The hatred of anti-cops and the violence suffered by those who protect us must be fought at the very top of the state.https: //

- Eric Ciotti (@ECiotti) January 14, 2020

The deputy LR of the Alpes-Maritimes Eric Ciotti asked him on Twitter to the government "more means and consideration" for the police, denouncing also the "anti-cop hatred and violence suffered by those who protect us".

Numerous charges of police violence

Several images captured during recent demonstrations against the pension reform have led to the opening of judicial investigations, and provoked a new wave of charges against police violence, a term refuted by the executive since the start of the dispute. yellow vests.

At the start of the year, they are added to the death of Cédric Chouviat, a 42-year-old father working as a delivery man, on January 3, victim of asphyxiation with a fractured larynx. He had been arrested near the Eiffel Tower after being tackled to the ground by several police officers during a stormy roadside check. His family was received on Tuesday by the Minister of the Interior.