The Limited Times

Six tourists were arrested after feces were found in the sacred temple of Machu Picchu

1/14/2020, 6:56:16 PM

Six tourists have been arrested in Machu Picchu after fecal matter was found in a sacred place in the famous Inca citadel in Peru.

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Lego will reply to Machu Picchu 0:30

(CNN) - Six tourists have been arrested in Machu Picchu after fecal matter was found in a sacred place in the famous Inca citadel in Peru.

Four men and two women entered an area inside the Temple of the Sun, a temple built by the Incas to organize ceremonies, site officials said.

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Tourists damaged a wall at the site and feces were found inside the temple on Sunday, the Ministry of Culture told CNN's subsidiary, TV Peru.

Darwin Baca León, mayor of the Machupicchu district, which contains the iconic Machu Picchu site, told reporters after the arrests that the group had "attacked" the local heritage.

He added that the incident is under investigation.

Three Argentines, one Brazilian, one Chilean and one French make up the group.

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Local media reported that all tourists were between 20 and 32 years old.

It is believed that the popular Peruvian tourist destination was built in the fifteenth century.

In 2014, the authorities denounced a trend in which tourists undressed in the sacred place.

Four American tourists were arrested in March of that year for taking off their clothes and posing for photos on the site.

In a couple of separate incidents earlier in the same week, two Canadians and two Australians were arrested for undressing to take photos there.

Macchu Picchu