The Limited Times

Ben Gvir must retire

1/15/2020, 9:50:33 PM

Haim Shane

As always, before the closing of the lists, we prepared small dramas. It is well-known that politics is a definite abode for the creator of appointments, or in the spirit of Rabbi Akiva's will for his son: "Do not live in a city whose heads are wise disciples." To run a state, party, and city requires the skills of the righteous and wise students.

It was hard not to get excited when Nitzan Horowitz and Amir Peretz came into the courtroom together, for the sound of a song entering the canopy. To me, this sounds like a goodbye to the historic Mapai that was founded in Zionist activism founded by a state, and ends with a connection to those who advocate the establishment of a Palestinian state.

It is doubtful that many citizens will regret the benign fall suppression, which hovered lightly from party to party until it lost its home. Meretz, who carved a flag between Jews and Arabs, gave up without blinking on former MK Issawi Freij, who was kicked out on a rough foot, did his best and could walk.

Boogie Ya'alon dismissed MK Gadi Jibrakan from the blue and white list because he negotiated to join the Likud, thus proving that he was defective. Ya'alon only forgot that he himself owed his political career to the Likud, and in a valedictory change he switched to white-blue to serve as a bitter pilot in the cockpit. The Midrash says there are politicians born of the couple in the Noah's box between hypocrisy and flattery.

Right now, as always right now, there is high talk about ideology, the teachings of Israel, the people of Israel and the Land of Israel, until the very last moment, to tear down the nerves of the public who so much want unification. Fortunately for religious Zionism and for the values ​​it believes in, the new right and the Jewish home have come together.

There was a real danger that either or both parties would not pass the blocking. You can understand the anger of Jewish power, they feel cheated. However, there are moments in the political life that must be passed on. The Land of Israel is important for any role. One can expect that out of Jewish historical responsibility will not cope so that many voices will not be lost. There are many ways to influence and persuade outside the Knesset as well.

Avigdor Lieberman, who is solely responsible for the unnecessary elections, promises that there will be no fourth election campaign. He is right. This time there will be a decision, and it depends on the number of mandates Israel will receive from our home. The fewer they are - the lower the chance of further elections.

There is no doubt that MK Ahmad Tibi was born in the pre-election star competition. He resolutely and emphatically explained to bold bold warrior Yoaz Handel that he would not hand in presenting white and blue as a right-wing fragrance party that speaks highly of annexing parts of Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley , While at the same time building on the voices of the shared list.

Last night the show ended and the real election campaign began, one of the most important in the country. The most crucial issues to be decided: security, national, economic and policy. I fear that even in this campaign, blue and white, in the absence of way and direction, without a navigator and without a compass, will repeat the mantra "just not Bibi", hoping that the law enforcement system will replace the citizens' will at the ballot box.

They themselves have no chance of winning elections without the law enforcement system. Democracy is the right of citizens to choose the march of folly.

The nation will pay the price of choice in folly. One can only hope that the wisdom overcomes the hatred that causes citizens to punish themselves in choosing an inexperienced leadership.

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