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Le Plessis Robinson: reinforced security around schools after an attempted child abduction

1/15/2020, 8:20:22 PM

The facts occurred Monday evening in the rue de la Ferme. Another suspicious behavior near the Claude-Nicolas-Ledoux college, the same

"We inform you that an attempt to kidnap a student from school took place on Monday January 13 at around 5:50 pm at the top of rue de la ferme. Here is the first sentence of the information note that the parents of the 430 or so students from Anatole-France school, at Plessis-Robinson, were able to read in their children's notebook.

This note, written by the management of the establishment, encourages them to "redouble their vigilance and avoid that [their] child does not move alone".

It did not take much to arouse the concern of parents of students across the city, after sharing this note on Facebook. Some have even disseminated the report of a man presented as the potential kidnapper and mentioned other attempts in the city and up to Fresnes (Val-de-Marne).

The school distributed a word to parents calling for the greatest vigilance. DR.

But what exactly happened this Monday around 5:50 pm at the top of rue de la Ferme? According to the first elements of the investigation, entrusted to the Clamart police station, a man asked a nine-year-old child to follow him and pulled him by the sleeve to his vehicle.

"We get a little paranoid ..."

Alerted by the boy's cries, a passer-by then approached them to ask the individual in question if he was indeed the father of the child. It was then that the man fled without being able to be arrested by the police.

The information spread like wildfire among parents of students, who now live in fear. "I who let my seven year old son take the dog out or go to the gym in front of the house all alone ... Now I'm scared, says a student mother. I don't want him to stay alone anymore. Parents need to be aware of what's going on. I have heard of another similar report at another school in the city but I do not know if it is a rumor or not. We get a little paranoid… ”

The school, meanwhile, communicated with the students on Tuesday to reassure them ... And give them instructions to follow in case they find themselves in a situation of abduction "My son explained to me that the teacher has said in class that if a gentleman they did not know wanted to take them by force, he had to punch him in the face or kick him in the cock, says this mother again. On the one hand we are afraid but on the other, we saw that there were also municipal police officers who were doing rounds so that reassures. "

A second complaint filed

The town hall has indeed taken the alert very seriously. "From the moment he has a suspicion, we put in place all the means of prevention," we explain to the mayor's office (LR) Jacques Perrin. During school outings, we will reinforce the dynamic rounds of our municipal police officers who will be coordinated by the CSU (Editor's note: urban supervision center) . We also want to encourage people to call the police when they see suspicious behavior. "

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Especially since earlier today, around noon, another suspicious behavior, still at Plessis-Robinson, led to the filing of a complaint. A 13-year-old adolescent was allegedly followed over several meters by a man and took a photo near the Claude-Nicolas-Ledoux college.

Once again, the man could not be arrested, but the mother of the teenager followed nevertheless reported this behavior to the municipal police of Plessis-Robinson. "The investigation makes it possible to determine that these two cases are not related", one assures, this Wednesday evening, on the side of the prefecture of police. "For the moment, the vehicle described in the two cases does not correspond," said the Nanterre prosecution.

The Commissioner wants to be reassuring

“We do everything we need in terms of checks, calm Dimitri Heuveline, the Clamart commissioner. People need to be reassured because we have an effective information circuit between the establishments and us, the police, thanks to the liaison officers who are in constant contact with the directors of the establishments. "

A meeting is already planned between a prevention officer from the Clamart police station and pupils from CE2, CM1 and CM2 classes at Anatole-France school next week.

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