The Limited Times

People's Daily: Recognizing "One Country" and Cherishing "Two Systems" Is Hong Kong's Well-Being and Hope

1/15/2020, 8:38:22 PM

The Mainland People ’s Daily published a comment article on Weibo on Wednesday (15th) that Hong Kong ’s legislative upheavals lasted for more than 7 months. The primary task is still to stop violence and restore order, and to recognize “one country” and cherish the “two systems” "It is the well-being and hope of Hong Kong.


Written by: Li Fuyuan

2020-01-16 04:30

Last updated: 2020-01-16 04:30

The Mainland People ’s Daily published a comment article on Weibo on Wednesday (15th) that Hong Kong ’s legislative upheavals lasted for more than 7 months. The primary task is still to stop violence and restore order, and to recognize “one country” and cherish the “two systems” "It is the well-being and hope of Hong Kong.

The article entitled "Getting out of the political haze and lighting up the future of Hong Kong" states that time will prove that the general trend is that as long as confidence persists, there is no power to stop the progress of the "one country, two systems" cause; In the light of the storm, adherence to the "one country, two systems" policy, and guarding the civilization of the rule of law together is the only way for Hong Kong to resist risks and challenges, face difficulties, and move on.

The People's Daily stated that it firmly believed that the principle of "one country, two systems" was correct, and called for the common cherishment of Hong Kong. (Weibo picture)

The article emphasizes that we firmly believe that the principle of "one country, two systems" is the opposite, and that it has enough tension and resilience to withstand contingent fluctuations and shocks in practice. "Hong Kong society should also understand that if" one country, two systems "persists well, Hong Kong can win Opportunities for development and room for growth; if the "one country, two systems" is not adhered to, Hong Kong will have more disputes and more chaos. "

The article said that the wind of violent destruction has not been eradicated, the Legislative Council has been chaotic and disordered for a long time, and society has been expecting normality, while anti-China chaotic elements are "heavy" and there are still "disruptors"; dispersing and covering Hong Kong The political haze of the United States cannot be neglected by the executive, legislative or judicial organs for a moment. It is a long way to go to cherish Hong Kong together.

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