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Seine-et-Marne: 7-month pregnant woman discovered dead in hospital bed

1/15/2020, 8:05:16 PM

In the morning of Saturday, a 37-year-old woman was found dead in a room in the hospital in Jossigny where she had spent the night.

What happened to this patient from the Grand hospital in eastern Ile-de-France (Ghef), found dead last weekend at the Marne-la-Vallée site in Jossigny? The investigation will have to determine it and follows its course.

Saturday morning January 11, around 7:30 am, a pregnant woman was discovered inanimate in a room of the gynecology service of the hospital where she had been admitted. His death was then noted. Her baby did not survive.

An autopsy was ordered on January 13 - the result is still unknown - and an investigation into the causes of death was opened. Additional toxicological and anatomopathological examinations (tissue examination) are also planned.

As of Wednesday evening, no complaint had been lodged at the Lagny-sur-Marne police station, which is responsible for the investigation.

"Two investigations (administrative and judicial) are under way"

37, from the Democratic Republic of Congo, the victim was 30 weeks pregnant, or seven months pregnant.

“We deplore this tragic event and wish to send all our thoughts to the family and loved ones of the deceased. Two investigations (administrative and judicial) are underway, at our request, says the Ghef. Without more elements in our possession and out of respect for the deceased, her relatives, the very shocked health professionals and the current procedure, we will not express ourselves further. "

At the hospital in Jossigny, the busiest in Ghef and the one with the most recent infrastructure, the tragedy particularly affected services, even if some were not aware of it in the middle of the week.

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Under cover of anonymity, a doctor foreign to the service but who works in Jossigny deplores "an absolute drama which indicates insufficient means. We cannot always be at the bedside of patients in all rooms. There may have been a failure to monitor. The investigation will determine this. "

A strengthening of the healthcare offer planned for this year

During the vows ceremony on Wednesday for the teams at the Jossigny site, the director of Ghef Jean-François Phelep did not address the subject. He indicated in particular that the year 2020 would be focused on strengthening the supply of care.

“There will be a renewal of medical imaging devices, the arrival of a state-of-the-art cardiac scanner, the establishment of a reception service for adolescents and preadolescents, the extension of the neonatal unit and more human resources in the emergency room with additional night staff. "

Words that constitute a certain response to the requests of striking emergency workers, mobilized between June and October 2019. An agreement to end the strike was signed in early December. The first changes are expected in February.