The Limited Times

This is how Trump forced Europe to act against Iran Israel today

1/15/2020, 8:38:16 PM

United States

The Washington Post reveals: Just days before European powers blamed Iran for breach of nuclear deal - US president threatened to impose tariffs on European carmakers

The US has threatened to impose 25 percent tariffs on the European automotive industry just days before Britain, France, and Germany announced their intention to apply the sanctions clause against Iran due to Tehran's agreement violations, the Washington Post reported Wednesday.

US imposes additional sanctions on Iran // Photo: Reuters

Meanwhile, Iran's president yesterday rejected the possibility of a new nuclear deal. In a televised speech, he urged Washington to return to the 2015 nuclear agreement, stating that all violations of Iran's agreement are reversible. Rouhani also criticized the European Partnership for agreeing to apply the sanctions clause. The Iranian president has also warned that European military forces in the Middle East "could be in danger."

It was also reported yesterday that for the first time in eight years, Iran's top leader Ali Khamenei will lead Friday's prayer in Tehran, against the backdrop of a current wave of protests that began after the Revolutionary Guards took responsibility for the overthrow of the Ukrainian plane. In this context, the New York Times featured another video showing Iranians firing two missiles at 23 seconds between each other.

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump justified his decision to eliminate Kassem Suleimani. During a political rally that took place in Milwaukee, he said, "A lot of young men and young women you see walking without arms or legs have been injured because of Suleimani. That's what he liked. He loved side charges. "The president added that" a high percentage of people have no legs and hands because of this son and the Democrats should be shocked by Suleimani's vicious crimes and not the decision to end his miserable life. "