The Limited Times

Fatah: The Palestinian people will continue their struggle and will confront all plans of occupation

1/16/2020, 4:34:39 PM

Occupied Jerusalem - SANA The Palestinian Fatah movement affirmed that the Israeli occupation continued with its settlement plans

Occupied Jerusalem-Sana

The Palestinian Fatah movement affirmed that the continued Israeli occupation with its settlement plans, which aim to seize large areas of the West Bank, is dangerous and violates international law.

Wafa news agency quoted the movement's spokesman, Iyad Nasr, as saying in a statement today that the plans announced by the Prime Minister of Benjamin Netanyahu and his war minister, Naftali Bennett, about annexing new lands from the West Bank by expanding the operations of demolishing Palestinian homes, uprooting perennial trees, sabotaging crops, and seizing large areas Of the lands contradicts international resolutions that consider settlement in the OPT illegal and demands that it be stopped.

Nasr stressed that the Palestinian people will continue their struggle and will confront all occupation plans until the liberation of their entire lands and the establishment of an independent and sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Nasr demanded the international community to intervene urgently to stop the violations and crimes of the occupation against the Palestinians, implement international legitimacy resolutions and provide them with protection.