The Limited Times

Forum of Deir Al-Zour tribes and clans ... adhering to national unity and supporting the army in the face of terrorism

1/16/2020, 6:13:10 PM

Deir Al-Zour-SANA Participants at the Forum of Tribes and Clans of the Euphrates Valley in the governorate of Deir Al-Zour confirmed their adherence to the following principles:

Deir Ezzor-Sana

Participants in the Forum of Tribes and Clans of the Euphrates Valley in the governorate of Deir Al-Zour affirmed their adherence to the national constants and the Syrian sovereignty over its entire sacred soil, standing together with the Syrian Arab Army in confronting takfiri terrorism, separatist groups, and confronting all forms of aggression against Syria.

Participants in the forum held under the slogan "Unity of the Row for the Homeland" and in the presence of a large number of sheikhs, notables, mayors and dignitaries of the clans of the Euphrates Valley, stressed in a statement to them national unity and to stand as one class to support the Syrian Arab Army in confronting terrorism and separatist groups and addressing all forms of aggression and non-recognition The American and Turkish occupiers installed them as clan elders to discredit the ancient national clans.

The sheikh of the Bakara tribe, Nawaf Ragheb Al-Bashir, stated in a statement to SANA that this forum represents all tribes and clans of the Euphrates Valley in the governorate of Deir Al-Zour and they are all against the American project and its occupying forces and the groups that deal with it and follow his command and with the unity of the Syrian soil and disown each person dealing with the American occupier, Pointing out that the partition project that America wants is a failure, and the occupier will be expelled from our land thanks to the heroism of our valiant army led by President Bashar al-Assad, and Syria will remain one unified.

For his part, Fawaz Al-Koukaa, one of the sheikhs of the Al-Bukhaboor tribe, affirmed that the people of the province were and are still adhering to the unity of Syrian soil and its national options, pointing out that the forum is an opportunity to unify efforts with the aim of returning everyone who was deceived and deviated from the path of righteousness to the bosom of the homeland and to participate in completing the march of victory and reconstruct what was destroyed Terrorism.

Abdullah Al-Shallash, from the sheikhs of the Al-Busaraya clan, pointed out that the forum is a message to the world confirming the cohesion of the people of the homeland behind the leadership of President Assad and that the tribes and clans of the Euphrates Valley do not accept any occupier and will continue to work to expel the American and Turkish occupiers.

And Abd al-Karim al-Havel, among the elders of the al-Aqeedat tribe, stated that the honorable tribes and clans in Deir al-Zour and Syria in general have always been supportive of the army's sacrifices, calling on the tribesmen and clans to join the army ranks to complete the victory against terrorism and cleanse the Syrian land of it.