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Good story: that's how 15 years of child-waiting has ended - Walla! Judaism

1/16/2020, 6:25:04 PM

Fifteen years of terrible suffering passed over Benjamin and his wife. Fifteen years where they did not have children. As many as begged and asked - and there is none. Until two buses in Ukraine changed the route for them, ...

Good story: That's how 15 years of waiting for children ended

Fifteen years of terrible suffering passed over Benjamin and his wife. Fifteen years where they did not have children. As many as begged and asked - and there is none. Until two buses in Ukraine changed the route for them, then everything changed

Everyday in front of eyes (Photo: Yotam Ronen)

Students at Landscape Rock in Maale Adumim on the first day of school, September 1, 2017 (Photo: Yotam Ronen)

I met Benjamin Gottfarb in Kiev, Ukraine. Benjamin got married 15 years ago, and immediately after his wedding began teaching little children in the Torah, but unfortunately he and his wife did not have children. Think what that feeling is, every day to reach out and happily teach the kids in the classroom, to see them happy and laughing, and to come home at the end of the day with a great love for your wife, but with unimaginable difficulty and pain.

Now Benjamin told me that in good time his wife gave birth to a daughter about a month ago. A lovely daughter called Haya Odell. I said to him: Benjamin, I'm sure there is a story here, tell me what happened 10 months ago because you won that your wife started this wonderful pregnancy.

And Benjamin said: "Rabbi Aharon the Great of Carlin had a disciple whom the rabbi saw as continuing, Rabbi Shlomo of Carlin was called. To bless people with grapefruit, and indeed he was known for his special blessings on the subject of grapefruit.

"I heard the story a year ago," Benjamin continues, "two months later I convinced two buses of Israelis who came to Ukraine to travel with my wife and I to his grave in the city of Olavsk. We shared a common prayer there and wept great crying, begging the Creator to win a child. I felt that all the people of Israel were praying with us there. Three weeks later we found out my wife was pregnant. "

In closing, I asked him: Benjamin, what has held you for 15 years? What gave you the power every day to re-teach your children with joy and love? And Benjamin answered: What kept us going was the words of R. Nachman of Breslov: "There is no despair in the world at all." Here the tears flowed to me and I gave him a strong hug full of love and appreciation.

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