The Limited Times

In 500 high schools on the 17th the Night of High Schools

1/16/2020, 4:34:16 PM

Marathons of readings of ancient and modern poets, dramatizations in Italian and in a foreign language, exhibitions of plastic and visual arts, concerts and musical and choreutic activities, book presentations and meetings with authors, short films and cinema ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, JANUARY 16 - Marathons of readings of ancient and modern poets, dramatizations in Italian and in foreign languages, exhibitions of plastic and visual arts, concerts and musical and choreutic activities, book presentations and meetings with authors, short films and cineforum, scientific experiments, themed tastings inspired by the ancient world and much more, left to the free inventiveness and creativity of young people led by their teachers. This is the National Night of the Liceo Classico, a festive hymn to classical culture, the demonstration of the passion that animates students and teachers engaged in this direction of study.
"Even in the heart of Rome, in a small and prestigious classical high school, Mameli, faces the White Night with participation and motivation, all aimed at demonstrating the validity of a path that looks to the present and the future through the study of the ancient world" , explains the teacher Laura Bianchi. At Mameli la notte, which will have as its leitmotiv the song Heal the world translated into Latin by the students, will welcome Massimo Giletti as guests, who will present his book "The damned", the story of the Naples sisters who do not surrender to the mafia, and Andrea Cascioli, internationally renowned cartoonist, author of the comic book Nathan Never, interviewed by Rai Com director Roberto Genovesi; he will spend between Latin scenes, debates on issues of Latin / Greek literature and on the 2030 agenda with the choice of some sustainable development objectives that will be compared with the ancient world.
There will be representations of illustrious couples dialogues (Luciano - Pavese; Tasso - Leopardi; Voltaire - Primo Levi) and the figure, life and martyrdom of Hypatia of Alexandria will be represented in first person. The participants will be offered a tasting of a true Roman banquet with food cooked according to the recipes of De re coquinaria di Apicio in the setting of Tableaux vivant, from Antiquity to the 20th century.
Born from an idea of ​​Professor Rocco Schembra, teacher of Latin and Greek at the Liceo Classico Gulli and Pennisi of Acireale (CT), the White Night of the Liceo Classico has had, since its first edition, a large number of adhesions by of the Italian classical high schools and the attention of the media On January 17, at the same time from 18:00 to 24:00, about 500 Classic High Schools of Italy open their doors to citizenship that can follow the students while they perform in various performances type. (ANSA).