The Limited Times

Marine Le Pen candidate for Elisha in 2022

1/16/2020, 4:10:10 PM

A "thoughtful" decision for a "national unity project around a great plan" to "put France back on its feet": Marine Le Pen, president of the Rassemblement National, wants to try again and - after being defeated by Emmanuel Macron at the b ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - PARIS, JANUARY 16 - A "thoughtful" decision for a "project of national unity around a great plan" to "put France back on its feet": Marine Le Pen, president of the National Assembly, wants to try again and - after being defeated by Emmanuel Macron in the 2017 presidential ballot - he announced today his decision to run again in 2022. "Without a doubt," he added, and with "the will to win."
The project with which he will run again for the Elysée will be finalized by 2021, explained Le Pen aNanterre, the fiefdom of the RN on the outskirts of Paris today, where he received journalists for the traditional greeting ceremony at the beginning of the year. "My plan is to go towards a national unity - he said - around a great French plan, a great federating project that can bring together all the French from wherever they come, a plan of alternation to put the country back on its feet".

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