The Limited Times

Prof support, fired because disabled

1/16/2020, 6:49:15 PM

He complained that he was fired because he was disabled: so Marco Di Domenico, a 33-year-old support teacher fired because his disability, a muscle myopathy, would make his own job insecure wrote on Fb. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - PRATO, JANUARY 16 - He complained that he was dismissed because he was disabled: so wrote Marco DiDomenico, a 33-year-old support teacher who was fired because his disability, a muscle myopathy, would make his own job insecure. It was established by a medical commission to which he himself submitted, without however imagining that the outcome of the visit declared him "perpetually unsuitable for the support activity in the school". The man had been working in public school since last September. "Inclusion - Di Domenico explains - is the reorganization of a system, its recombination to make room for everyone. And nothing, the nonce system did it: I was expelled from a place that serves inclusion. Discriminated in fact" . His fixed-term contract at the Ivana Marcocci middle school, which was due to expire in June, was interrupted at the turn of the Christmas holidays.