The Limited Times

The American Occupation Forces enter 75 trucks carrying military and logistical reinforcements to the occupied oil well areas in Hasaka and Deir Ezzor

1/16/2020, 9:10:10 PM

Al-Hasakah-Sana, in flagrant violation of international laws and a flagrant assault on Syrian sovereignty, introduced the United States


In a flagrant violation of international laws and a blatant attack on Syrian sovereignty, the United States of America today introduced a new convoy into Syrian territory consisting of dozens of trucks loaded with military armored vehicles and logistical assistance to reinforce their occupation points in the oil well areas occupied by the countryside of Hasaka and Deir Al-Zour.

Civil sources from the city of Qamishli stated that "an American convoy of 75 trucks entered this evening illegally from the Semalka crossing with the northern region of Iraq and headed to the oil wells in Hasaka and Deir Ezzor carrying military armored vehicles, ammunition and logistical assistance to their occupation points and SDF groups there."

American forces have admitted hundreds of trucks to Hasaka through the illegal crossings to provide military, technical and logistical support for their occupation points and the groups and organizations that support them, striking against the wall of the United Nations Charter and international legitimacy.