The Limited Times

[Wuhan pneumonia] One more fatal case in Wuhan doubles in two days, accumulating 198 infections

1/19/2020, 7:40:00 PM

According to the announcement issued by the Wuhan Municipal Health Bureau Committee today (19th), a total of 136 new cases and 18 deaths were added on the 18th and 19th. The first cases occurred in Beijing and Guangdong.

Social News

Written by: Wei Jingquan

2020-01-20 03:16

Last updated: 2020-01-20 03:38

According to the announcement issued by the Wuhan Municipal Health Bureau Committee today (19th), a total of 136 new cases and 18 deaths were added on the 18th and 19th. The first cases occurred in Beijing and Guangdong.

According to the announcement issued by the Wuhan Municipal Health Bureau Committee today (19th), a total of 136 new cases and 18 deaths were added on the 18th and 19th.

As of 10:00 pm on January 19, Wuhan reported 198 cases of pneumonitis with new coronavirus infection, 25 cases have been cured and discharged, and 3 cases have died. Currently, 170 cases are still being treated in the hospital, of which 126 cases are mild, 35 cases are severe, and 9 cases are critically ill. They are all under isolation treatment at designated medical institutions in Wuhan. A total of 817 close contacts have been tracked, 727 medical observations have been lifted, and 90 people are still receiving medical observations. Among the close contacts, no related cases were found.

First case in Beijing and Guangdong

The first cases occurred in Beijing and Guangdong. Daxing District Medical Institution, Daxing District, Beijing, received two patients with fever in Wuhan travel history based on clinical symptoms and epidemiological investigations, and were confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and expert panel assessment as confirmed cases of pneumonitis with new coronavirus infection. The National Health and Health Commission confirmed the first case in Guangdong Province. The patient is a 66-year-old male who currently lives in Shenzhen. He went to Wuhan to visit relatives on December 29, 2019. He developed fever and fatigue on January 3, 2020. After returning to Shenzhen for treatment, she was transferred to Shenzhen designated hospital for isolation and treatment on January 11.

Wuhan pneumonia

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