The Limited Times

New York Hong Kongers congratulate sanctions on parade to Wukan: Seeing Hong Kong is like seeing Wukan

1/19/2020, 11:37:00 PM

In Hong Kong yesterday (19th), a group launched a "Sanctions under the Heavens" march, which finally turned into a clash between the police and the public. The police again used tear gas to disperse the protesters. On the same day, a total of 25 cities around the world also launched demonstrations in support of Hong Kong people. As far as New York, the United States, more than 250 people participated in the local "Congratulations Sanctions" procession, asking the US government to implement sanctions against China. "Hong Kong 01" Reporter from New York, USA

Social News

Author: Zheng Jiaru

2020-01-20 07:24

Last updated: 2020-01-20 07:31

In Hong Kong yesterday (19th), a group launched a "Sanctions under the Heavens" march, which finally turned into a clash between the police and the public. The police again used tear gas to disperse the protesters. On the same day, a total of 25 cities around the world also launched demonstrations in support of Hong Kong people. As far as New York, the United States, more than 250 people participated in the local "Congratulations Sanctions" procession, asking the US government to implement sanctions against China.

"Hong Kong 01" Reporter from New York, USA

The New York “Congratulations Sanctions” parade was launched by the “NY4HK” organization that has been supporting the Hong Kong demonstrations. It started from Astor Place in Manhattan at about noon and marched to Times Square. Most of them were present in New York Harbor. People, as well as many native Americans, as well as mainland supporters of democracy, including Zhuang Liehong, a former village committee of Wukan.

During the event, many marchers wore black masks and black clothes, and some people appeared in yellow helmets with a "pig mouth". Some people waved black bauhinia flags along the way. The parade was opened by the traffic police and handed out leaflets to passersby. Many vehicles passing by during the period "Xiang An" and passers-by clapped their hands to show their support to the parade. "Even if the left and right sides of American politics are so torn, there is still a consensus on the Hong Kong issue, which shows the importance of overseas fronts," said Ken, one of the sponsors of the parade. "We want to tell Americans that we can work on China. Fighting side by side, but passing the Hong Kong Bill of Rights and Democracy is not enough. Sanctions on China are necessary to be effective. "

Hong Kong tourists bring flags to attend

Zhuang Liehong, a former Wukan village committee member who claimed to be "Patriot One" and ended up in exile in New York, USA, due to the launch of the "Ukan Incident", has been following closely the news about Hong Kong's opposition to the "Fugitives Ordinance" demonstration. Citizen journalists attended the parade, filmed with their own cameras, broadcasted live on their YouTube channel, and narrated. He said, "Seeing Hong Kong today is like seeing Wukan." He lamented that "the fearless spirit of Hong Kong people has really touched many people." Only a citizen journalist can let more people know the Chinese government's suppression of the people through the situation in Hong Kong.

Among the marchers was a Hong Kong tourist, Kelvin, who carried the banner of "Restoration of Hong Kong and the Revolution of the Times". He said that he had also participated in many demonstrations in Hong Kong and was considered a front-line demonstrator. Returning to New York today is purely tourism, and I just saw that the locals also supported the Hong Kong procession, so I attended by the way. Difference. "

Corby Johnson, another American student who marched, said that he had lived in Kyrgyzstan for many years, and there were many Uighurs there, so he was very concerned about Xinjiang Uyghur issues. She believes that the protests in Hong Kong are similar to the Uyghur rights movement. "The demands of Hong Kong demonstrators are actually very similar to the values ​​of Americans. As an American, I will reflect on how the Hong Kong issue affects us in the United States."

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