The Limited Times

Police in Po Po cycling track black spots strengthen law enforcement, issued 16 summonses for two consecutive days

1/19/2020, 6:55:00 PM

The cycling track in Tai Po is a cycling hotspot in Hong Kong. Police enforced the law at multiple black spots for two days to prosecute cyclists. A total of 3,240 promotional leaflets and 16 summonses were issued during the operation. Police reminded that cyclists should not use their mobile phones while riding bicycles, ride bicycles on the sidewalks, drive in the opposite direction, or insert left and right on bicycle paths.


Written by: Kong Fanxu

2020-01-20 01:03

Last updated: 2020-01-20 01:03

The cycling track in Tai Po is a cycling hotspot in Hong Kong. Police enforced the law at multiple black spots for two days to prosecute cyclists. A total of 3,240 promotional leaflets and 16 summonses were issued during the operation. Police reminded that cyclists should not use their mobile phones while riding bicycles, ride bicycles on the sidewalks, drive in the opposite direction, or insert left and right on bicycle paths.

The Road Safety Unit of the Ministry of Transport of the New Territories North Region, together with the staff of the Traffic Team of the Tai Po District, carried out bicycle safety enforcement actions at multiple black spots in the Tai Po District on Saturday (18) and Sunday (19). The operation mainly targeted serious violations such as non-compliance with traffic light or traffic sign regulations, bicycle riders, no lights at night, recklessness or accidental cycling, prosecution of illegal cycling, and a total of 3,240 promotional leaflets and 16 summonses.

Caution not to use your phone while stepping on a car

Police reminded that citizens must hold their handles firmly when riding a bicycle, and do not press the phone while grasping the handle, otherwise the police will be prosecuted for accidentally cycling. Police also pointed out that injuries to cyclists often involve loss of balance or due to carelessness and inattention, such as cycling on a pavement, driving in the opposite direction, or crossing left and right on a cycle track, etc. The Hong Kong Law, Chapter 374, the Road Traffic Ordinance and other related legislation, members of the public are not allowed to try the law in person. Police stressed that they would continue to take relevant action and called on cyclists to abide by traffic regulations, pay attention to road safety, and display lights when cycling at night.

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