The Limited Times

Pro-Palestinian activist: "Anna Frank did not die in a concentration camp" Israel today

1/19/2020, 1:58:06 PM

Becca Lewis has been documented as spreading a neo-Nazi claim • A storm has risen on the net and the left-wing organization has posted the video: "Wrong" around the Jewish world

Becca Lewis was documented in the video spreading a well-known neo-Nazi claim • An uproar arose on the network and the left-wing organization that posted the video folded: "Wrong"

A storm arose last week on the network after a pro-Palestinian Jewish activist claimed in the video that Anna Frank did not die in a concentration camp but as a result of the climbing illness. The video showed three Jewish and Palestinian students criticizing President Donald Trump's instruction on campus anti-Semitism, claiming it was an attempt to curb pro-Palestinian voices.

Becca Lewis, one of the students, claimed in the video that "what happens if there is another Holocaust? Well, we see what happens. We see people dying at the border for lack of medical care. That's how Anna Frank died. She didn't die in a concentration camp but died of typhus."

The rage video:

In which @nowthisnews airs the grotesque rantings of a campus activist who says that Anne Frank "did not die in a concentration camp" but rather from a "lack of medical care"

This is truly truly disgusting and everyone involved should be ashamed

- Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) January 16, 2020

Things were criticized harshly and furiously. "This is a Holocaust denial," wrote Chen Mazig, a well-known Israeli activist. "The neo-Nazis drowned out the idea that Anna Frank died of typhus and not a concentration camp." Another activist named Erin Sherrod called immediately to "remove this disgraceful video," as well as demand a serious apology "for the severe execution." According to her, "such lies, denials or conspiracies should never be raised again - whether Jews or others."

The left-wing organization that uploaded the video quickly folded and removed the section in question from the video. "The spokesperson was wrong about Anna Frank's death," the Twitter report said. Lewis herself explained on Twitter: "I meant to say she didn't die in the gas chambers. Many people think it's the only way Jews were killed."

The censored video:

CORRECTION: We have removed a segment of this video in which the speaker misspoke about Anne Frank's death

These Jewish and Palestinian students are speaking out against Trump for equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism in his Judaism executive order

- NowThis (@nowthisnews) January 17, 2020