The Limited Times

The Red Crescent provides 50 electrical transformers to operate wells and pumping stations in Daraa

1/19/2020, 6:16:00 PM

Daraa-Sana The Syrian Arab Red Crescent has provided a number of electrical transformers to operate wells and pumping stations


The Syrian Arab Red Crescent has provided a number of electrical transformers to operate wells and pumping stations in Daraa Governorate, in addition to a set of maintenance tools for Daraa Water Corporation workshops.

The head of the Red Crescent branch in Daraa, Dr. Ahmed Al-Masalmeh stated in a statement to SANA correspondent that the organization provided 50 electrical transformers with a variety of capacities to run water wells and pumping stations in Daraa governorate to secure drinking water for the population and raise the suffering of transporting water or bringing it through tanks, pointing out that these transformers were provided with support From the International Committee of the Red Cross, in coordination with the Drinking Water Corporation.

Al-Masalmeh indicated that in the same context, Al Hilal branch provided 20 sets of maintenance tools for the Water Corporation's workshops to support them in maintenance work.

He pointed out that the volunteer teams did not stop the humanitarian response to the governorate's countryside, as 19,150 food parcels and similar flour were distributed during the current month provided by the World Food Program to the people of the cities and towns of Jassem, Nasiriyah, Jubailiya, Sukkariya, Nimr, Kafr Shams, Umm Al-Awsaj, Samad, Mutaa, Samaj, Samaya, Tasia, Amman Farm and Abu Kattoula .

Al-Masalmeh pointed out that the Livelihoods Team launched a new project to support livestock breeders that includes two pregnant sheep and 600 kilograms of fodder materials and veterinary technical services for 100 families in the village of Assem in the Al-Lajat region, explaining that the team completed the field assessment of the families inside the village.

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent last Thursday completed the process of distributing the home garden grant to 1,000 families residing in 7 regions in the western countryside of Daraa Governorate.