The Limited Times

The telephone exchange of Beit Jan, Damascus countryside, is returned to service after repairing the damage caused by terrorism

1/19/2020, 3:25:00 PM

Damascus countryside-SANA The technical teams affiliated with the Syrian Telecom Company and the Damascus Countryside Communications Branch have returned the PBX telephone exchange

Damascus-Sana countryside

The technical teams of the Syrian Telecom Company and the Damascus countryside communications branch have returned the telephone exchange of the town of Beit Jann to service after repairing the damage left by terrorism and led to a break of more than 7 years.

The Director of the Syrian Telecom Company, Engineer Munir Obaid, stated in a statement to the delegate of Sana that 800 telephone numbers and 145 internet portals have been installed in the exchange and that the number will increase to about 2100 phone numbers during the next three months as it was before the exchange was cut from the service in addition to putting 1024 Internet portals within it .

Obaid called the residents of the Beit Jann area and the Beit Jann farm to review the exchange next week to complete the required documents to return their lines to service, stressing that the priority for the owners of old lines and state institutions and the greater the number of applications submitted, the number of phone lines will gradually increase.

In turn, the director of Damascus countryside communications, Jamal al-Qalash, said that the technical teams were able to restore the construction structure of the exchange, repair the telephone equipment destroyed by the terrorists, extend the optical cables, connectivity, and re-establish it again.

Al-Qalash affirmed that the next step for the technical cadres is to restore the service to the telephone centers in Daraya and Al-Hama next month, after which the telephone exchanges will be returned in the Mleiha area, which includes “Maliha, Zebdine, Deir Al-Asfeer, Hatta Turkmen, and Al-Ma’mal area” where the telephone and wireless internet service will be developed at high speeds.

Ali Ajeeb