The Limited Times

Window-breaking effect: Yau Tsim Police District ’s burglary surged 57% last year. Assistant Commander: Demonstration Cuts Police Force

1/19/2020, 4:10:05 PM

As the year approaches, the peak of burglary. According to police information, there were 204 burglary cases recorded in the Yau Tsim Police District last year, an increase of nearly 57% compared to 130 in 2018. Last year, 74% of the burglary cases occurred in the third and fourth quarters, with 47 and 104, respectively, all reaching new highs for the two quarters in the past five years. Yau Tsim District Assistant Commander (Criminal) Zeng Zhongbin described the public security situation as "worrying". He said that in the past six months, the police force had mainly to deal with anti-retrospective demonstrations and public activities. Plainclothed police officers attached to criminal investigation units had to share patrol duties , Describing the "broken window effect." He pointed out that the social atmosphere has made police investigations difficult and felt citizens' mistrust, such as asking for closed-circuit television clips for crimes and being questioned for motives. The crime detection rate in the police district has fallen to only between 18% and 32% since June last year.

Social News

Written by: Wei Jingquan

2020-01-20 00:00

Last updated: 2020-01-20 00:00

As the year approaches, the peak of burglary. According to police information, there were 204 burglary cases recorded in the Yau Tsim Police District last year, an increase of nearly 57% compared to 130 in 2018. Last year, 74% of the burglary cases occurred in the third and fourth quarters, with 47 and 104, respectively, all reaching new highs for the two quarters in the past five years.

Yau Tsim District Assistant Commander (Criminal) Zeng Zhongbin described the public security situation as "worrying". He said that in the past six months, the police force had mainly to deal with anti-retrospective demonstrations and public activities. Plainclothed police officers attached to criminal investigation units also had to share patrols. , Describing the "broken window effect." He pointed out that the social atmosphere has made police investigations difficult and felt citizens' mistrust, such as asking for closed-circuit television clips for crimes and being questioned for motives. The crime detection rate in the police district has fallen to only between 18% and 32% since June last year.

Zeng Zhongbin, Assistant Commander (Crime), Yau Tsim District.

Burglary in the fourth quarter of last year accounted for half of the year

According to statistics from the Yau Tsim Police District, there were 5,575 crimes in the police district last year, a slight increase of about 7% from 2018. Last year, there were 675 violent crimes, which is similar to the previous year. Among them, burglary cases soared 56.9% to 204 cases last year from 130 in 2018; about 74% of them occurred in the third and fourth quarters, with 47 and 104 cases, respectively. Half of the whole. In addition, theft-related crimes also rose by nearly 7%, with 2,562 cases last year and 2,406 in 2018. The number of robbery cases remains 21.

Both homicides and serious drug crimes fell, with 1 and 138 cases respectively last year, a decrease of about 67% and 44% respectively. The detection rate in Yau Tsim District remained between 36% and 37% from January to May last year, and fell by at least ten percentage points from June. The lowest is only 18% in August, and the detection rate in the second half of the year is between 18% and 32%. .

Zeng Zhongbin, assistant commander (criminal) of Yau Tsim District, points out that the Yau Tsim District is well connected, and the geographical environment is conducive to the thieves' escape. After the initial assessment, the burglary-hit areas are low-defense residential units; many people enter and exit and will place large amounts of cash. The premises are also easy to become targets of thieves, such as retail shops and restaurants, without having to "step on the line" for a long time. He pointed out that the higher risks were some buildings with scaffolding, no watching and no closed-circuit television.

Refers to criminals targeting police to focus on demonstrations

In the fourth quarter, the number of burglaries increased sharply compared to the third quarter. Zeng Zhongbin described the crime prevention system as having a "breaking window effect." He went on to explain, "In the third season, more people went to burglary and robbery. It seemed that they were easy to handle, and the police did not get there. By the fourth quarter of November, everyone saw that the streets were rotten. It ’s rotten. The police must clean up the garbage first, patrol the bricks first, and even more criminals use the environment to commit crimes. "

As for the robbery case, Zeng Zhongbin pointed out that there is no special black spot, there is a lot of people in Yau Tsim District, and it is easy to get into the crowd. In recent cases, it has also been seen that thieves useless weapons can take property. . Zeng Zhongbin mentioned on his own initiative that he would be intercepted when faced with a mask, but now everyone is familiar with masking. "Everyone who converts and dares to speak will be intercepted, but of course they are intercepted." It's only one of the reasons. "He said that the recently discovered cases were led by intelligence and cooperated with patrol and observation.

Admitting insufficient patrol manpower

Asked about the actual number of patrols, he stated that in order to increase manpower to cope with the demonstrations, he changed two regimes after the "Walkers Action" in June, but the personnel were also involved in the daily crime prevention work. Every second, there have been illegal assemblies and even riots. "The criminal detective and the anti-triad team, including himself, have to share the patrol.

"There are too many people and work to be done. The case is still under investigation and people are required to patrol. The public sees the police as a street policeman, but the representative must be completely police-free." He emphasized: "Prevent crimes. It can be solved by building a small team of people. "I believe that the shortage of manpower can be compensated by strengthening intelligence leadership. As for the actual burglary prevention strategy, he said that the operation is still underway and it is inconvenient to disclose.

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Zeng Zhongbin pointed out that the police investigation of the crime has become difficult, and they also feel the public's distrust of the police. It means that some people have doubts about the purpose of the police investigation. But now they all need to show their warrants, and have encountered excuses on the grounds of no video. Zeng Zhongbin said, "If everyone understands that most of my time is actually investigating crimes, I don't mean to embarrass the public. I hope that everyone will slowly think rationally and then return to the police's work identity."

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** Broken windows theory **

A theory of criminology, proposed by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling. The paper "Broken Windows" was published in "The Atlantic Monthly" March 1982 edition.

This theory believes that if the unhealthy phenomena in the environment are allowed to exist, they will induce people to imitate and even worsen them. Visible signs of crime, anti-social behavior and social chaos encourage further crime and chaos, so police approaches to minor crimes such as vandalism, public drinking and ticket evasion can help prevent more serious crimes.

Take a building with a few broken windows as an example. If those windows are not repaired, there may be more windows destroyed by vandals. According to the "broken window effect" theory, they will eventually break into the building. If they find no one living, they may settle there or set fire. Or imagine that there is a little paper scraps on a sidewalk. If no one cleans up, there will be more garbage in the near future, and eventually people will take the garbage for granted.

Therefore, the theory of broken windows emphasizes that efforts to combat minor crimes will help reduce more serious crimes. Crimes should be faced with a "zero tolerance" attitude.

Fugitive ordinance, burglary, police station