The Limited Times

Leaders of the world will attend "Eva's Story" Israel today

1/21/2020, 7:04:12 PM

Jewish News

In the campaign marking International Holocaust Day, President Rivlin will join leaders from all over the world, including Putin, to send a message to the Jewish girl and declare - "Never again"

Ahead of International Holocaust Day, State President Reuben Rivlin and a line of world leaders will join forces in the "Eva Story" project to convey a message of resistance to anti-Semitism and a commitment to the Holocaust. As part of a digital campaign of the project, which tells the story of Eva Hyman who was murdered in Auschwitz 75 years ago, the leaders will send a message to Heyman in an account opened to her on Instagram and Twitter, pledging to the children of the world - "never again."

Photo: Eva's Historical Project

The story of Eva Heyman, a Jewish girl who was murdered in the death camp four months before his release, received unprecedented international exposure following a series of videos uploaded to an Instagram account called "The Story of Eva."

The project, created by Israeli entrepreneur Matti Kochavi and his daughter Maya and raised on Holocaust Day, depicts the Jewish girl's experiences during the war - from her quiet childhood, through the Nazi occupation to her bitter end in gas chambers, from the perspective of a young woman sharing her life on Instagram. The videos have watched hundreds of millions of followers in over 50 countries.

The digital campaign will be attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin and German President Frank Walter Steinmeier, as well as Argentina President Alberto Fernandes; European Commission President Ursula von Der Lein; Montenegro President Milo Jokanovich; Serbia's President, Alexander Wojciech; Portuguese President Marcelo Rebello de Souza; Czech Prime Minister Andrei Babish; Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiadis; Bulgarian President, Roman Radev; Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Luffen; Moldova President, Igor Dodon; President of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zelko Komashic; Macedonia President Stavo Pandrowski; And Albania President, Illir Mateh.

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