The Limited Times

Summit of Remembrance: International Holocaust Day in Jerusalem | Israel today

1/21/2020, 10:34:32 PM

In the country

Historical meeting • Dozens of world leaders will convene tonight at the President's House in Jerusalem to open the 75th anniversary of the Auschwitz extermination camp • US President Trump with special message: "For those seeking the annihilation of Israel and the Jewish people are told - never again"

  • State flags on the walls of Jerusalem // Photo: Yehuda Peretz

Dozens of leaders from around the world will be hosting a dinner at the President's House today at a historic gathering to open the events of the World Holocaust Forum to mark the 75th anniversary of the Auschwitz death camp.

Photo: Ami Shamir

To ensure that the event - which is expected to reach 250 invited and is the first of its kind in Israel - will go smoothly, a kind of general return will be held during the President's House. Harel Toby, CEO of the President's House, addressed the values ​​of the leaders 'meeting: "For the President's House, success will be considered by the leaders' commitment to combating anti-Semitism in their countries, along with education and inculcation of these values ​​in educational systems. Of course we are also preparing for the event to go safely. It is a heavy responsibility and a great mission of the President's abode. "

Among other things, the president's house workers made sure to aim the piano instead of stretching the carpets, and the presidential security system was also on high alert. In the center of the hall was the festive dining table and the special chairs, which were designed for each of the leaders. The flags of the host countries were placed when three accommodation complexes were erected for the distinguished guests.

Latest preparations at the president's office // Photo: Yehuda Peretz
On the occasion of the official dinner, a special video was produced featuring statements by world leaders in the fight against anti-Semitism. US President Donald Trump wrote: "For those seeking the annihilation of Israel and the Jewish people, we say, 'Never again.'

President Rivlin, conducting a marathon of personal meetings with most leaders by Friday, near the Sabbath, began his meetings yesterday and hosted Georgia President Salome Zoravishvili. He then met with Australia's Governor General David Hurley, followed by Romanian President Klaus Johannis to Jerusalem's abode. The meeting sequence continued yesterday with a working meeting with Bulgarian President Roman Radev.

Memorial to the Leningrad killers // Photo: Adam Steele

Also at Yad Vashem, preparations for the main event of the Fifth World Holocaust Forum - "Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting Antisemitism" - will be held tomorrow at 1:30 pm with the participation of many senior leaders. The historic event, organized by the World Holocaust Forum Foundation at Yad Vashem, will be held in the Warsaw Ghetto Square, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In the Warsaw ghetto square at Yad Vashem, an indoor hall was erected, which also contains the Rappaport monument in memory of the Warsaw ghetto uprising and at the foot of it the leaders will place the foreigners during the memorial service.

Warsaw ghetto plaza // Photo: Yad Vashem

"Connect and take action"

Next to the hall are welcome tents, where dozens of delegations will be accepted. In addition, a communications center will be opened at Yad Vashem, which will handle the hundreds of journalists from Israel and the world, who will be covering the event. Avner Shalev, chairman of Yad Vashem's management: "We will see an unprecedented connection of dozens of leaders who come to Jerusalem and proactively unite to one central idea - the importance of combating anti-Semitism and the Holocaust's memory. The leaders express concern about the state of anti-Semitism in the world and its implications for the entire society, and we are pleased that we, together with our event partners, were able to connect together and take action, with Holocaust memory as a key element in this regard. "

Photo: Mark Neiman, GPO

As part of the international visit, the official inauguration ceremony of the Leningrad memorial monument will be held tomorrow at World War II, to be erected in the Sucker Garden by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and World War II veterans and survivors of the siege, ambassadors and other guests And other countries.

Photo: Mark Neiman, GPO

Besides President of the State, Knesset Speaker Yuli (Joel) Edelstein also held a series of policy meetings in the Knesset as part of dozens of heads of states. Yesterday, Edelstein met with Belarus House Speaker Vladimir Andrichenko and gave him a stamp Gilded with a model of Belarus-born artist Mark Chagall's rugs hanging in the Knesset. He later met with Bulgarian President Radev. Today, Edelstein will meet in his Knesset office with U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

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