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At Hospital Entrance: Maternity Collapsed - And Dead | Israel Today

1/22/2020, 1:46:01 PM


Tragedy in Hadassah Mt. Scopus: The baby suffered from a rare event of aortic rupture that occurred on arrival • The baby was born by caesarean section and hospitalized

  • Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus // Photo Archive: Oren Ben Hakon

A 36-year-old pregnant woman who was brought by MDA to Hadassah Mount Scopus tonight (Wednesday) collapsed at the entrance to the delivery room and died after CPR efforts. A senior midwifery team at the hospital rescued the baby in an immediate cesarean section - at the same time performing CPR and is currently being treated for hospital wounds.

An initial post-mortem examination revealed that it was probably a rupture of the aortic origin, which occurred as she arrived at the hospital. It is important to emphasize that aortic rupture is a rare and severe condition and the risk of mortality from it is about 90 percent.

Only at the beginning of the month. A 40-year-old child died at the hospital, apparently from an infection in her body. The midwife arrived at the hospital on Tuesday and was expedited due to advanced pregnancy week and other reasons. Shortly after birth, her body heat rose and began to deteriorate significantly in her condition, she suffered from massive bleeding and system crashes.

Initial tests revealed that the baby was panicking from an infection in which she apparently had not yet arrived at the hospital. The tests also show that it is not infected with influenza or invasive maternity infection.

Maternity mortality is a rare occurrence. Data from the Mother and Fetal Medicine Society show that in 2018 there were three maternal deaths, out of about 180,000 maternity. Two of them died from amniotic fluid and one from an infectious market. Last May, Shiran Sa'at gave birth to a 32-year-old in Soroka Hospital after a sudden deterioration in her condition during delivery. As a result of amniocentesis.