The Limited Times

Libya oil block, damage 318 million dlr

1/26/2020, 6:49:04 PM

The economic damage caused by the blockade of the terminals of the Gulf of Sirte and the closing of valves in two oil pipelines imposed by forces of General Khalifa Haftar rose to almost 318 million dollars in seven days. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - CAIRO, JANUARY 26 - The economic damage caused by the blockade of the terminals of the Gulf of Sirte and the closing of valves in two oil pipelines imposed by forces of General Khalifa Haftar has risen to almost 318 million dollars in seven days.
Only yesterday, the NOC had fixed the damage at 256.6 million dollars, over 62 million dollars less than today.
This was announced by a new bulletin published today on Facebook by the NOC, the Libyan national oil company, stating that on January 24 Libyan oil production dropped to just over 284 thousand barrels per day compared to the 1.22 million produced before January 18 .