The Limited Times

Orlando: "There should be a Michou street in Montmartre"

1/26/2020, 4:37:16 PM

The producer, Dalida's brother, reacts to the announcement of the death of his friend, blue prince of Parisian nights.

Orlando was friends with Michou "forever". Dalida's brother and 83-year-old producer learned of Michou's disappearance "with immense sadness":

“He was a great figure of Montmartre and a very important character for all French people. For me, Michou, it was the joy of living. He always had a smile. I never heard him complain and I never heard anyone say anything bad about Michou. He lived his life as he wanted, burning the candle at both ends. Even when he was sick, he coped. Besides, he came every night to his cabaret.

Michou was very loved and respected by the world of culture, but also of politics. He rubbed shoulders with everyone with equal happiness. What he had done with this little cabaret, which has not been empty for forty-five years, is incredible. Dressing up at the time was really revolutionary. And since then, Michou has allowed artists to live. He also did a lot for the elderly, to whom he opened his cabaret on Sunday afternoon. He offered them lunch, he brought stars… ”

"When we got out of there, we were a little dizzy"

When we crossed rue des Abbesses, we knew if Michou had passed there. In all the cafes, he was told Come and have a drink! and Michou never refused a glass of champagne. I don't know how he managed to walk straight after… He will be gone with a glass of champagne in his hand.

Michou loved Dalida a lot and Dalida loved her very much, she loved her cheerful side. Once, I was invited with Dalida to dine at Michou's house: we laughed a lot because everything was blue, even in the toilets, there were lots of mirrors everywhere. When we left there, we were a little dizzy ... Like Dalida, I hope that Michou will have a statue in Montmartre and I hope that the rue des Martyrs will be renamed rue Michou. It would be an eternal tribute. "