The Limited Times

Regionals 2020: The turnout increases, it is a record in Emilia Romagna

1/26/2020, 8:01:04 PM

At 19 it was 58.82%, almost double the 30.89% at the same time in the reference consultation in 2014. Almost 5.5 voters were called to vote. The polling stations close at 11.00 pm, the first exit polls will follow immediately (ANSA)

Regional : seats open from this morning at 7 and until 23, to elect the President of the Executive and the members of the Legislative Assembly in Emilia Romagna and Calabria .

HIGH AFFLUENCE to seats with record numbers in particular in Emilia Romagna. At 19 it was 58.82%, almost double the 30.89% at the same time in the previous reference consultation in 2014.

The turnout in Italy for the regional elections in Calabria, at 7 pm, was 35.52%: the figure is up compared to 34.68% in the previous reference consultation. The Interior Ministry notes this.


View photos LIVE PHOTOS. Regional, in Emilia Romagna and Calabria: candidates for seats

In Emilia Romagna Stefano Bonaccini went to vote, accompanied by his wife, around 11 in his Campogalliano (Modena), Lucia Borgonzoni instead voted at 12.15 in a seat in Bologna, while Simone Benini, around noon in Forlì.

Already this morning Pippo Callipo and Francesco Aiello, candidates for the presidency of the Calabria Region, respectively of the center-left and the civic alliance of the 5 Star Movement, voted. Carlo Tansi, civic candidate for the presidency, also went to vote. Jole Santelli, candidate of the center-right, who is resident in Rome, was unable to vote.

Elections in Emilia Romagna, citizens' comments: "No repercussions at national level"

The polls will begin immediately after the conclusion of the voting operations and the verification of the number of voters .

A total of almost 5.5 million voters will be : over 3.5 million citizens are called to vote in Emilia Romagna while in Calabria the voters are about 1.8 million.

Starting from the closing of the polls, the exit polls and real-time projections on the candidates for the President of the Region will be disseminated and then, as soon as a minimum threshold of statistical reliability has been reached, they will be extended to the coalitions and to the individual lists.

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