The Limited Times

Television: the good vein of reruns

1/26/2020, 10:46:21 AM

While France 3 is proposing on Tuesday to rediscover "Murders in the Pays d'Oléron" launched in 2018, the chain has accumulated successes with its fictions already

You will resume a swig of "Murders in the country of Oléron"? Tuesday, France 3 rebroadcasts the telefilm where the most famous doctor of the PAF Michel Cymes tried his hand at fiction by camping a medical examiner. When it first appeared on March 17, 2018, it had interested 5.2 million followers. Will he resist this time against the TF 1 series "Magnum"?

The doctor should be able to count on the faithful. And for good reason: small reheated dishes are also widely used on France 3! Champion, the public channel has offered some 70 evenings of fiction in replay in prime time since September 2018 in front of France 2 (56), TF 1 (14) and M 6 (3). They brought together an average of 4 million viewers, not so far from the unpublished (4.6 million).

All channels benefit

Success ensured in particular on Tuesday evening when old episodes of "Captain Marleau" and others brought together 4.4 million people on average. Ditto on Saturday when the old components of "Commissioner Magellan", "Murders at ..." or "Mongeville" are required (3.7 million on average) during their umpteenth passage. With nice shots like the reprogramming of “Murders in Auvergne” in 2017 (4.8 million on January 12, 2019 and 4.1 million on January 1, 2020).

On France 2, the series “The little murders of Agatha Christie” - 3.9 million for the episode “Murder on sale” (2018) on October 4 - won the gold medal for reruns on Friday evening. Above the average score of those proposed that evening (3.4 million).

"Captain Marleau", star of all categories

“The success of the reruns shows the attachment to the characters, we note to France Télévisions. This is a second opportunity given to a strong program to meet the audience that was not available during the first broadcast. ”

Star any category, the "Captain Marleau" reached heights on Tuesday evening on the Three. The gendarme ch'ti de la Trois thus captivated 6 million people on November 5, 2019 with the episode "Blood and Light" with an already record score when it was launched in April 2018 (8.2 million).

Admittedly, the most assiduous viewers sometimes point to "too many reruns". But, one stresses to France Televisions, they make it possible to avoid "a too long cut" before the public does not find its heroes in new adventures.