The Limited Times

Wuhan: Italians can leave by land

1/26/2020, 12:40:04 PM

The Italians currently present in Wuhan and in the Hubei region, about fifty, will have the opportunity to use a land transfer outside Hubei, but this necessarily entails a subsequent observation period of ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, JANUARY 26 - The Italians currently present in Wuhan and the Hubei region, about fifty, will have the possibility of using an overland transfer outside Hubei, but this necessarily entails a subsequent observation period of 14 days in a hospital facility. Farnesina sources explain this to ANSA. Those who choose to stay instead, will have a direct line with the Italian Embassy in Beijing to receive all the necessary advice and indications. The Italian Embassy in Beijing, in agreement with the Foreign Ministry's Crisis Unit, is in contact with all the compatriots present in Wuhan and Hubei and all possible measures have been prepared to assist the Italians and reduce the inconveniences as far as possible .