The Limited Times

It is the day of remembrance, 75 years ago Auschwitz was freed

1/27/2020, 11:28:55 AM

The Pope and Segre: 'Never again the complicit indifference' - THE SPECIAL [ sara-citizen-of-rome_91d81963-d00c-4b5d-8d92-1909c7ff3248.html] (ANSA)

On January 27, 1945 , Red Army troops liberated the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz . 75 years after that date, Memorial Day is celebrated today, an international anniversary deliberated by the United Nations. Many initiatives in Italy and worldwide.

"In the face of this immense and atrocious tragedy , indifference is not admissible and memory is a duty, " said the pope. "The anniversary of the Holocaust, the unspeakable cruelty that humanity discovered 75 years ago, is a call to stop, to be silent and remember. We need it, in order not to become indifferent".

Because "when you believe that something does not touch you, you do not concern yourself, then there is no limit to the horror. The indifferent is an accomplice," explained Senator Liliana Segre for life. "With great concern I have been following for years - Segre told Vatican News - this reappearance of hateful feelings which are the opposite of hospitality, which are the opposite of fraternity. Yes, I must say that I am very worried about this wave, which it is not anomalous but it is the result of the economic crisis, but also the result of very wrong teachings, of sovereigns and populisms ". "Kids learn not to listen to what screams loudest"

"On January 27th the liberation of the extermination camp of Auschwitz is celebrated and with it the Day of Remembrance, which this year reaches its twentieth year. It seems distant 1945, the year of the defeat of the Nazis. However, the memory of certain historical facts are fundamental for nothing like this to happen anymore. Remembering and sharing always remains the best antidote to the resurgence of anti-Semitism and, more generally, to the barbarism of discrimination ". Prime Minister Conte wrote it in a message on the occasion of the Memorial Day.