The Limited Times

Atlantia: accelerates again (+ 5.5%)

1/28/2020, 1:58:22 PM

Atlantia is still accelerating in Piazza Affari, with the stock rising by 5.48% to 22.13 euros, while rumors are chasing that the strengthening of the Democratic Party after the victory of the center-left in Emilia Romagna, would make the 'i ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - MILAN, JANUARY 28 - Atlantia accelerates again in PiazzaAffari, with the title rising by 5.48% to € 22.13, while rumors are chasing the press that the strengthening of the Democratic Party after the victory of the center-left in Emilia Romagna , the hypothesis of revocation of the concession, supported by the M5S, would be blurred. Even Bloomberg, citing two representatives of the Pd area government, argues that the government will probably avoid tearing up the convention. While Atlantia would be ready to reduce the stake in Aspi if the invention were not taken away from it. Scenarios to which, at the end of the stock market trend, investors are lending.