The Limited Times

Elodie, I am restless, I live outside the comfort zone

1/28/2020, 3:28:10 PM

"Other than the comfort zone, I prefer to expand, test myself, take slaps from life: I am a restless nature and I am not afraid of judgment". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JANUARY 28 - "Other than comfort zones, I prefer to widen, test myself, take slaps from life: I am a restless nature and I am not afraid of judgment".
Elodie shows up at her second Sanremo festival, with the Andromeda song - written for her by Mahmood and Dardust -, more aggressive than ever. It is ready to change skin and to experiment.
Started as a classical interpreter, with the latest works - also the love that binds her to rapper Marracash - slowly approached hip hop, in a very personal version of poprap. And all this ended in his new album "This isElodie", out on February 7th, with a streaming preview from January 31st.
"The title I chose is the way I have to affirm mestessa and what I have become, I the daughter of an Italian father and mother of the French Antilles, an expression of melting potcultural. It is an inclusive record with different nuances", says Elodie, who is now freed from the extalent label (participated in Amici in 2015, finishing second).
In Sanremo he landed already in 2017 and knows its atmosphere. "The more tension there is, the more I don't care. All eyes point at me ... and when it happens to me again. I go there to do the 'fabulous'", he jokes with his Roman accent that clashes a little with the air of France that sets it apart. "I know, I enjoy playing with contradictions." And in a festival that, by maturing an important game on women, says: "For me, being a woman is a gift. Many steps forward have been made, but still many dinners are to be made. The best tool to grow is dialogue, but it takes time and patience. ". The reference to the controversies on Junior Cally is not lacking: "The musical language knows and can be aggressive and raw like the cinematographic one. Not thought it could consider a song an instigation to violence".