The Limited Times

Oscar greener, vegan menu for the stars - Lifestyle

1/28/2020, 1:43:22 PM


Joaquin Phoenix, candidate for Joker, vegan and activist has already won: after the Golden Globes, the Oscars are also increasingly green and ethical. On the evening of January 27th at the traditional festive lunch with the statuette candidates for each category the menu was entirely plant-based and so will the reception at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles of the 92 edition of the Oscars on February 9th.

Look at the photos Oscar, all smiling at the candidates' lunch - Lifestyle

The Governors Ball post ceremony will consist of 70% plants and 30% vegetarian dishes, fish and meat. All food will be of responsible origin and sustainably grown. "The Academy is a storyteller organization from around the world and we owe our global membership a commitment to supporting the planet," he said. “Over the past ten years, the Academy has made a commitment to reduce its carbon footprint. For the past seven years, the Oscar show has had a zero-carbon footprint. We continue to expand our sustainability plan with the ultimate goal of becoming carbon neutral. ".

And the William Morris Agency, Wme, one of the top agencies in Los Angeles has announced that the menu of its pre-Oscar party will be vegan and plant based in honor of its client, the "Joker" star and candidate Joaquin Phoenix, who has made the Golden Globes vegan (at the last minute since the initial menu included Chilean sea bass). The agency works with Nic's vegan restaurant in Beverly and This Messy Table LA for the February 7 party in Beverly Hills.