The Limited Times

Turin, "no racist written gate"

1/28/2020, 1:58:16 PM

"For now I will not delete the writing. I want to leave it as testimony to a racist gesture, which should no longer happen". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - TURIN, JANUARY 28 - "For now I will not cancel the writing.
I want to leave it as a testimony of a racist gesture, which should never happen again. "So Maria Bigliani, the lady of Jewish origin, daughter of a partisan relay race, who yesterday in Turin on the walls of the entrance hall, found the anti-Semitic writing.
"In my life - he adds - of stupid and racist jokes and hosubite, but I've always replied in rhymes. My mother would have acceded to me 'denounce' and that's what I did".
"I have no idea who it may have been. - continues MariaBigliani - Certainly international politics creates confusion.
There is confusion between the politics of Israel, of Netanyahu, a far-right man who carries out violent politics. And among those of Jewish origin. Politics should not be confused with people, this type of politics with being Jewish. "