The Limited Times

From sleep remedies to music therapy, ten world wellness trends - Lifestyle

1/29/2020, 1:49:22 PM


In the world 432 billion dollars are spent to rest better and we still don't sleep. By 2024, the 'sleep economy', which includes alternative methods of improving night's sleep, will reach $ 585 billion. Devices that control how we sleep, biodynamic 'circadian' lights for the home, apps with light / dark doses for jet lag frequent flyers, calming diets, relaxing supplements and herbs, pro sleep mattresses and pillows, massages and pro-rest spas are at the top of the top ten of wellness by the Global Wellness Institute, an American organization that monitors the trends of gyms, fitness clubs, private studios, personal trainers, industries and customers around the world.

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In second place in the ranking are wellness remedies for new young people: people over sixty . The age is rewritten, the generation of over sixty is different from the one that preceded them, is still in the middle of work, runs marathons, goes to the gym and takes care of its appearance on time. "Old age is more beautiful than you think," reads the report that points to the silver wellness economy, recalling that in 2050 the population over 60 will double from 12 to 22 percent. The wellness business will take care not only of the physical fitness of the new elderly and the fitness clubs are also starting to offer courses against incontinence and the annoying symptoms of menopause . Even fashion considers the elderly and Maye Musk, a 71-year-old model, is among the new cover girls of many glossy magazines. There is no shortage of cosmetics giants that target the older public like Shiseido who - reports the report - recently launched 'Prior' in Japan, a brand for very mature skin, ditto the American Pause Well Aging.
The third fitness station from Japan also occupies in anticipation of the forthcoming Olympics (600,000 visitors are expected between July and August next and they will not limit themselves to just watching the races). The country has a centuries-old wellness tradition behind it that will be very trendy for the next few years. Green baths in the 'forests', therapeutic Onsen, Buddhist monasteries for meditative retreats and healthy 'shojin ryori' dishes that include seasonal wild vegetables will be increasingly followed. It follows the 'ikigai' philosophy which invites you to wake up in the morning seeing things in a positive way and, great return, the natural incense with a purifying and relaxing action (70% produced on the island of Awaji-shima). Japan combines traditions with a big innovative push by introducing anti-stress and anti-depression robots in hospitals and wellness centers . In addition, advanced technologies in the field of skin care, such as APP for the iPhone that analyze and quantify the optimal doses of serums according to skin needs with as many as 80,000 possible different combinations (Future Skin, by Fine Fiber Technology). A new remedy is also made in Japan that combines a cosmetic serum with an ultra-thin membrane conveyed by a hi-tech diffuser that nourishes the skin at night (owned by the Kao brand).
Fourth place for mental well-being that will move from the analyst's bed to the cash computer and to holistic and alternative treatments. In 2019, globally, we spent about 15% more than the previous year and we will reach 2.31 billion in 2022. To combat growing anxiety and depression, couple problems and difficulties in human relationships we will rely on more and more to virtual analysts . Scholars point out that chatbots, robots and psychological counseling and couple therapy platforms are destined to increase and that 80% of treatments can already move remotely reducing the costs of consultations and expanding the audience exponentially. To date, the APP for mental health are over 10,000, those for meditation reach a business of billions of dollars, the software for the 'well-being of relationships' grow by 14.8% every year and will reach 2.3 billion dollars by 2022.
Fifth place for energy medicine . Holistic, alternative and always rejected by the official one, it begins to have a more serious air, scholars write. The potential of magnetic fields, lights and sounds to increase the body's energy are increasingly taken into consideration in wellness centers and even included in the design of houses designed for well-being.
Sixth place for religious wellness , from Ramadam bootcamps to Catholic pilates classes, from wellness retreats in Christian places to Muslim fitness youtube channels. “Millennials consider gyms as churches - reads the research - and now they begin to consider them so literally. An increasing number of religious institutions and non-profit organizations incorporate a series of fintess modalities in the various activities ".
Seventh station for sabbatic wellness, for those who can afford an extended retreat from daily activities to regain physical and mental fitness. The sabbatical must last at least 20 days and is offered in the main spas, spas and luxury hotels (with the possibility of working from the place, in the event of abstinence).
In place number eight treatments for reproductive health . Fewer children are being made and the strategies for having them intensify. Meditation, healthy foods, targeted physical activity, fertility tests connected with apps and smartphones that include the 'ovarian reserve' count, egg freezing (which will grow by 25% in the next two years) and so on.
In the penultimate place of the 2020 wellness trends of the Global Wellness Institute , music for wellness . From music therapy (it takes 78 minutes a day to improve mental well-being, according to the British Academy of Sound Therapy), to the sound of Gong to calm anxiety, from music tracks for mega-meditation sessions to precision music with the help of new technologies applied with the support of neuro scientists. In tenth place, analysts place the importance of science behind industries . In the wellness world it is full of fakes, miraculous elixirs and frauds. Analysts cite the 'disproportionate' success of Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop website, which sells its vaginal eggs to body odor-scented candles as a means of feeling good (with a turnover approaching $ 250 million). What is it really good for? The wellness sector is in great need of greater scientific evidence and rules, so much so that the ongoing studies are part of the new ranking.