The Limited Times

In Eure, the mayor of Fidelaire returns litter to their owners

1/29/2020, 1:58:11 PM

The city councilor of the small Norman town, Jean-Claude Dufossey, pays in person to prevent pollution of nature.

Although he writes poetry at his leisure, the mayor of Fidelaire (Eure) is not lyricist when he comes across a wild deposit of waste. Exasperated by this situation which is repeated several times a month, Jean-Claude Dufossey proceeds "quite naturally" to return the waste to their owners.

Last episode to date, in the week of January 20: hunters alert the elected official to the presence of a pile of garbage thrown at the edge of a road in his town of a thousand inhabitants. Once there, the mayor opens the trash and has, in his own words, "the happiness" to come across an address. Neither one nor two, the waste is loaded and dumped in the garden of its owner, installed one kilometer away, with the added bonus of a note from the mayor slipped into the mailbox. “The house was in a neighboring commune. I spoke to his mayor who said to me: You did well Jean-Claude! "

Kebab boxes, construction site remains and dead animals…

This pollution has the gift of bringing this lover of nature out of its hinges: the kebab boxes thrown at the bend of a path, the construction site waste in the ditches, the household appliances abandoned in the forest, the bags of grass " forgotten "on the road after mowing ... He even happened to discover dead animals near a clothing collection container ...

Jean-Claude Dufossey, a market gardener, travels his town with his van to go to his various gardens. He takes the opportunity to evacuate the waste he finds on his way, so that it does not accumulate: "I waste a lot of time towing all of this to the dedicated places".

"The planet belongs to my grandchildren!"

The mayor has also become the scratchy hair of some residents: “There is one who no longer says hello to me when he meets me. But I don't care, because the planet belongs to my grandchildren and I fight for that! "

Jean-Claude Dufossey has a message for his constituents who can't find the time to go to the recycling center: "Help each other, give each other a helping hand to take your garbage cans to the places indicated! "

Le Parisien, partner of the consultation "How to act together now for the environment?" ”, Initiated by, invites you to vote on the proposals made by Internet users in the module below. You will be informed of the results in February.