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MK Gantz: "Blue and White Will Approve Knesset Plan for the Knesset" | Israel Today

1/29/2020, 6:16:22 PM


A day after President Trump's political program was published, the opposition chairman addressed her: "To implement it requires a honest, credible and free prime minister to run the state."

Blue and White Party Chairman MK Benny Gantz is responding at this week's Wednesday program to the Centennial Program published in Washington, D.C., during a conference of the INSS National Security Research Institute. This week, MK Gantz met with US President Donald Trump in the White House. At their meeting, President Trump updated Gantz with program details.

"I report on the expected and joyous return of Naama Issachar home," said MK Gantz at the opening of his remarks. "I spoke with Naama's mother along the way, we maintained state conduct and I hope she will return home soon. It is important to emphasize the return of the missing and the IDF voyages wherever they are. I hope the gospel of returning home will be true to Nama as well as to our people and our spaces in such a strip and wherever there are missing. "

MK Gantz moved to address the Centennial Plan, which he discussed with President Trump during his visit to Washington. "In recent months, my team and I met with President Trump's team and discussed the US government's peace plan," noted Gantz. The basic principles are written in blue and white, and form the basis for a future arrangement in the Middle East. As early as next week, I will bring the Knesset's approval of the Trump plan as announced yesterday.

Blue-White Chairman later spoke about the indictment against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "The Centenary Plan is the second significant historical event that occurred this week," said Gantz. Defendant Netanyahu could not serve another day in his post. Wish him success in court. To implement the Trump program requires a honest, credible and free prime minister to run the state. "

MK Gantz added: "I would like to thank Trump for coming to a special and unprecedented meeting. He is a true friend of Israel and the Jewish people. Our goal is simple. We want the State of Israel as a safe, Jewish and democratic state. Safe separation from the Palestinians is a goal to be pursued. I call on the Palestinian leadership: Once, say yes, and give your children hope for a better future. Don't miss another chance for peace. It is time for you to recognize the State of Israel as a Jewish state. The settlement will lead to the end of the historic conflict that has inflicted a heavy bloody price on both sides. Instead, we can live in peace and good neighbor and allow our children and grandchildren a good place to live. "

Speaking at a press conference following Trump's meeting, Gantz said: "Two hours ago, I met a brave American president and a true friend. Most of the topics of discussion will remain confidential. "I will act on its implementation in a permanent government and in coordination with the countries of the region. Today we talked about the importance of coordinating with the Palestinians and Jordan. I also raised the issue of prisoners and missing persons. From here I go directly to the discussions on immunity.