The Limited Times

WHO lists Wuhan pneumonia as PHEIC, but says there is no reason to restrict travel to China

1/30/2020, 11:22:06 PM

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced at its headquarters in Geneva on January 30 local time that the new pneumonia coronavirus in Wuhan, China was a world emergency health event, causing 171 cases

Instant international

Written by: Xu Yang, Changyang

2020-01-31 07:16

Last updated: 2020-01-31 07:18

The World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters in Geneva announced at a press conference on January 30 local time that the new pneumonia coronavirus in Wuhan, China is a public health emergency (PHEIC) that requires international attention.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus convened an expert in Geneva to convene an emergency committee meeting again in accordance with the International Health Regulations (IHR). He announced at a press conference that he accepted the recommendations of the committee experts and announced a new type of coronavirus pneumonia from Wuhan, China. The epidemic constitutes "Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)."

Tan Desai said that in the past few weeks, everyone has witnessed the emergence of an unknown virus and escalated into an unprecedented outbreak, but declared that the main reason for PHEIC is not what is happening in China, but what is happening in other countries.

He pointed out that the WHO must now take action to help countries prepare, by drawing international attention to the global outbreak, and working with international public health partners to control the outbreak.

"We are most concerned that the virus has spread to countries with weak health systems and poor preparedness for the outbreak. Let me make it clear that this announcement is not a vote of no confidence in China. In contrast, the WHO continues Confident in China's ability to control the epidemic "

Chairman of the Emergency Committee Didier Houssin said at a press conference that participants today almost agreed to the decision to include the epidemic in PHEIC, because in addition to the increase in the number of cases in China, the number of countries with confirmed cases outside the country also increased.

Tedsey also emphasized that the WHO is opposed to restricting trade and tourism between countries: "We call on all countries to implement evidence-based decisions." He said the announcement of the WHO gives organizations the ability to question some countries Some measures taken.

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