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Sheee - Tickling Science: This is how the most important organ in the woman's body should be treated

1/31/2020, 8:25:30 PM

Lots of important things don't teach us at school - at the end of it all we come to real life unprepared and falling short, but the biggest miss is by far the practical sex education….

Tickling Science: This is how the most important organ in the woman's body should be treated

Lots of important things don't teach us at school - in the end we all come to real life unprepared and fall short, but the biggest miss is by far the practical sex education. That's what we're here for

Dawn of Kings


When we are in school we know very well to teach us about STDs, ovaries, fallopian tubes and oocytes, but miss the most important thing in this whole story, especially in boys' classes. Well, I really don't understand how he is not a sacred organ in all kinds of religions, but never mind names. Of course there are plenty of erogenous areas in the body, and each one does well, but we should not neglect the clitoris. If the guy didn't understand how to operate it, he'd better learn, and a lot before he went to other areas like the armpit of the knee.

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In order to minimize damage and cause as much pleasure as possible, here are some ways to address your clit that he (and you) can adopt to make sex better. There are tips, exercises and some creative ideas here - so you are welcome to teach it or just send it to the article and understand the clue.

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A post shared by Melodie Perrault (@melodieperrault) on Jan 14, 2020 at 6:29 pm PST

Did you know?
The clitoris is not only the outer and felt "button", it also has a few centimeters inside, in the form of an inverted vi, and these areas can and should be used to enhance the experience. On the outside of the clitoris there are about 8,000 nerve endings, which is twice as much as there is at the tip of the penis, so you can say that girls have more fun if you know how to use all this goodness.

a nice rub
The classic method - with two or more fingers, not overly aggressively, moving up and down on the clitoris or in circular motion. You can also do this with sex toys, each one and what makes it pleasant. Another option is simply friction, dry sex, old school. Yes, it can be insanely fun, especially when left with clothes.

A little drumming
Light and gentle drumming with your fingers can gradually build up to orgasm. It may take a little longer, but it will be totally worth it. It is important to start gently and slowly increase the tempo, but not the intensity, at least not excessively. You can try it first yourself, alone or with it, and see what dosage is right for you, and if at all.

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A post shared by Melodie Perrault (@melodieperrault) on Jan 12, 2020 at 8:08 pm PST

Useful accessories
If you have not yet experienced vibration on the clitoris, we suggest you leave everything, get a vibrating device, and attach it to the loincloth area. Warning - There is a situation that you do not want to leave home in the near future, so do not schedule appointments. If your guy is open to putting a vibrating toy into the bed room, the profit will be for both of you. He can use it as an auxiliary tool during the infiltration to stimulate the clitoris, and who knows, maybe that's how you might even end up together.

Water in the tongue
There's nothing like sex in the shower. He's sexy, he's cozy, he doesn't mess up the sheets and doesn't have to shower after him. But it also has a big advantage for your clit. The water stream can be very useful in this story. Direct it to the right stream, show your man exactly where to put it, and… That's great, you've done most of the work. All that remains is to enjoy a refreshing orgasm. Fun alone, even more fun in a couple.

A proper combination
The clitoris is a social organ that likes to collaborate with other organs. Yours - So while you're dealing with clitoris, don't be afraid to incorporate more erogenous areas into your body, it can enhance the experience. Two fingers in the vagina, a finger in the ass, petting of the nipples or even the inner thigh. Each and every one of them does it, but it is always worth combining to get some more interest. How do you know what is most pleasing to you? Trial and error of course.

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A post shared by Melodie Perrault (@melodieperrault) on Jan 16, 2020 at 11:49 am PST

Go upstairs
If you want to irritate the clitoris during penetration without using your hands or his, try to be up - lying down, in the cowgirl posture or sitting and sitting above him. In these positions there is more option for clitoral friction without using aids. You can ask him to tilt your pelvis slightly toward you so that his pubic bone becomes more prominent and gives you a little more contraption. Now you set the pace, listen to the clit - give it a lead.

Get to the point
As mentioned, the clitoris is not only the outer part that you see, it also has parts that are inside the body, and can be stimulated as well. The female G-spot is not a myth. It is not a porcupine or a unicorn, it is not a rare sight that cannot be found in reality. In fact, it is where the inside of the clitoris meets the inner front of the vagina. Having trouble finding it? Enter about a third of the way into the vagina and try to stimulate the top and front until you find the point, you'll know when you get there. This will usually happen with your fingers, but when you understand where you are most comfortable, you may be able to get there as well. In any case, don't neglect G Spot.

To say the least
Use your tongue, and fast! (Not yours, of course). Let it get you down, lick, kiss and lightly suck your clit. I don't know who needs to hear it, but if it is you then you will know - your vulva is wonderful, wonderful and special. He is not strange, he is not disgusting and he is not something to hide, surely there is no reason to miss because of unnecessary shame and good decline. Release this insecurity, it's not sexy. If men are not ashamed of a limb like the testicles, there is no reason to be ashamed of us. Let it go down to you. And men - let's not get to the point where we have to push your head down.

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