The Limited Times

The United Kingdom is outside the EU

1/31/2020, 11:22:07 PM

The United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union and the brexiteer crowd gathered in Westminster Square explodes in a roar of jubilation, in the song of the national anthem (God Save the Queen), between slogan fireworks and a flood of Union Jack waving on ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - LONDON, FEB 1 - The United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union and the brexiteer crowd gathered in Westminster Square explodes in a roar of jubilation, in the song of the non-national (God Save the Queen), among fireworks slogan and a tide of Union Jack flying under the London sky.
The epochal passage, in which the history of the island and the continent turned the page by lowering their respective flags, was marked by the countdown projected on the facade of Downing Street against the background of the British flag colors: until 0, taken exactly at 23 local time, that of the meridian of Greenwich, midnight of the first of February in Italy and central Europe, including Brussels.
Then the sound - recorded - of the BigBen bells was heard. The countdown was also projected in large numbers on the white cliffs of Dover, while in Northern Ireland, an untracked line reappears on the border with the Republic of Dublin.

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