The Limited Times

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Hong Kong Youth Phoenix Satellite TV Special Correspondent Suspected of Infection with Parents

2/1/2020, 2:52:13 PM

The pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan is getting more and more serious. Ao Mulin, a special correspondent for Phoenix TV in his hometown in Wuhan, reported on the situation in Wuhan for Phoenix TV after the authorities closed the city. He said that he was not in good condition and was being isolated at home, waiting for the test results. It is understood that both he and his parents living in Wuhan are suspected of being infected. The scope of his father's lung infections has expanded and he needs to be hospitalized, but he still cannot be hospitalized.

Social News

Written by: Wei Jingquan

2020-02-01 22:44

Last updated: 2020-02-01 22:44

The pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan is getting more and more serious. Ao Mulin, a special correspondent for Phoenix TV in his hometown in Wuhan, reported on the situation in Wuhan for Phoenix TV after the authorities closed the city. He said that he was not in good condition and was being isolated at home, waiting for the test results.

It is understood that both he and his parents living in Wuhan are suspected of being infected. The scope of his father's lung infections has expanded and he needs to be hospitalized, but he still cannot be hospitalized.

▼ Emergency situation in Wuhan ▼




Father failed to be admitted to hospital for help

Ao Mulin has worked as a journalist and editor at Phoenix Satellite TV in Hong Kong before leaving. After the city was closed on January 23, Wuhan became a special correspondent for Phoenix TV and reported on the situation in Wuhan. The next few days he began to have a fever and was isolated from his parents' home in Wuhan.

He posted on the Internet today (February 1): "Today our family went to the hospital for a review. The results of the CT examination showed that my father and I had a larger lung infection and lymphocytes decreased by 0.79 on a routine blood test. My mother's condition improved slightly. The doctor suggested My father needs to be hospitalized due to the critical indicators. I would like to contact the relevant medical resources to arrange my father's admission. "

Ao Mulin said that genetic testing has not been performed yet, so the diagnosis of new-type coronavirus pneumonia could not be confirmed, but his father is in urgent need of hospitalization, but the hospital in Wuhan does not have a bed.

The epidemic of new coronavirus pneumonia continues to spread. More than 11,800 people have been infected in the Mainland, but 3,215 people have been diagnosed in Wuhan. However, it is understood that there is a shortage of medical resources in Wuhan, and a large number of patients with pneumonia have not been diagnosed. The hospital first let the patients go home after an injection and isolate them, resulting in a serious cross-infection situation. The team of Liang Zhuowei, Dean of the University of Hong Kong Medical School and Chair Professor of the School of Public Health, estimated that 75,000 people were infected in Wuhan alone today.

Lin Zhengyue held a press conference with several directors yesterday (Nov. 31). Nie Dequan, director of the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, pointed out that about 1,300 Hong Kong people were stranded in Hubei Province. He was asked if he would charter flights to pick up Hong Kong residents and return to Hong Kong. He said that the local public When traffic is suspended, there must be a feasible way for Hong Kong people to come to the meeting point, etc. It is also said that it must be evaluated from a public health perspective, including the need to resolve the 14th quarantine issue. He also said that according to the Wuhan office, the health status of the applicants was generally good, and health inquiry services had been provided through the Department of Health and Wuhan Medical Institutions.

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Wuhan Pneumonia Phoenix TV

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