The Limited Times

9 thousand tons, the quantities of cotton gin in Al-Asi gin

2/1/2020, 1:10:07 PM

Hama-Sana The quantities of granulated cotton that were ginning at Al-Asi gin in Hama since the beginning of the ginning until


The quantities of granulated cotton that were ginning in Al-Asi gin in Hama since the beginning of the ginning operations to date amounted to 9 thousand tons of the total quantity received for the current season of 18836 tons.

Eng. Yasser Halabia, the manager of the ginning, stated that the ginning operations produced 3073 tons of ginned cotton and 4912 tons of industrial seeds, and the rest are secondary dust and residues, indicating that the operations are carried out through 3 shifts with a capacity ranging from 160 to 180 tons per day, as well as the presence of 3 cotton ginning machines.

He pointed out that the gin received 2,090 tons of ginned cotton bales to the spinning companies in Homs, Lattakia, Jableh, and Hama, and 686 tons of industrial seeds were reported to the Hama Oil Company, indicating that the beloved cottons received by the ghetto from the farmers of Al-Raqqa, Deir Al-Zour and Hasaka.

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