The Limited Times

Abu Mazen breaks with Israel, I won't sell Jerusalem

2/1/2020, 8:31:30 PM

'Ready to cut relationships'. An alternative plan to Trump (ANSA)

No relationship with Israel, not even security cooperation. Palestinian President Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) thus responds to Donald Trump's Peace Plan and together with him, gathered in Cairo, the entire Arab League takes sides, voting for the rejection of the 'Agreement of the Century' as the called the head of the White House. "I will not accept the annexation of Jerusalem and I do not want to go down in history - Abu Mazen denounced from the podium of the emergency meeting in the Egyptian capital - as the one who sold Jerusalem." Then he added that he had already informed, in two letters, both Israel and the United States (rejected as "the only mediators of peace") of his decision. His counter-proposal to the US Plan will present it - revealed his foreign minister Riad al-Maliki to the UN Security Council: apparently on 11 February. There are not a few, however, analysts in Israel who interpret the announcement of the breakdown of relations more as a warning to the Jewish state if it decided, as Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu wanted, to immediately launch, in the wake of the Trump Plan, the extension sovereignty over settlements in the West Bank and the Jordan Valley.

And, in this regard, it was recalled that already in July 2019, in a peak of tension with Israel, Abu Mazen reacted by saying that he would no longer apply the existing agreements with the Jewish state. On the field, however, nothing happened. But this does not detract from the harshness of today's thrust against the American Plan, so much so that the leader of the Palestinian National Autonomy (PNA) stressed that "the Israelis must bear all their full responsibility for occupying power".

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