The Limited Times

Century Deal Comes to Security Council | Israel today

2/1/2020, 7:28:13 PM

Abu Mazen opposes plan • US expected to veto all condemnation decision • Danon: "PA Chairman is Political-Political Referee"

Abbas to reach UN and express opposition to plan • US expected to veto all condemnation decision • Danon: "PA chairman is the only peace defender around the table"

  • The US veto is guaranteed. Security Council // Photo: IP

After receiving support from the Arab League, Abu Mazen is expected to continue his fight for the "century deal" in the international arena, and as Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said on Saturday, the UN Security Council is expected to convene in 10 days.

The meeting is expected to address Abu Mazen's speech and attack the deal, while at the same time exposing his own political plan, at least according to Al-Maliki's remarks. Israeli Ambassador to United Nations Danny Danon, United States Ambassador to Kelly Kraft and other council members, will also attend.

The Palestinian delegation is preparing to present a resolution that would condemn Trump's outline but is likely to be stalled by the US veto. According to the outline, the United States will veto any condemnation of the plan and prevent any attempt to impose sanctions on Israel. In addition, Danon is currently holding policy meetings with his counterparts to mobilize support for joint operations between Israel and the United States and prevent support for operations. A protest from the Palestinians, in coordination with Kraft and the US delegation.

Ambassador Danon responded to the council's meeting, saying: "Abbas needs to understand that speeches in New York will not lead to the resolution of the Jerusalem-Ramallah conflict. We will work for the international community to recognize reality - Abu Mazen is the only peace defender around the council's table and does not intend to advance any agreement."

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