The Limited Times

Coronavirus: volleyball, meals and rest ... the life of French people confined to Carry-le-Rouet "gets organized"

2/1/2020, 7:52:07 PM

Christophe Letourmy, local president of the Red Cross, tells the daily life of the French people staying in Carry-le-Rouet, back from Wuhan. The

On the second day of their two-week quarantine, the 182 French returnees from Wuhan (China) to the Hotel-Club Vacanciel in Carry-le-Rouet (Bouches-du-Rhône) benefited from near-spring weather this Saturday . On the program, jet lag digestion, some volleyball games, games for children and meals taken together. Some relatives came to bring business to the door of the holiday center guarded by the gendarmerie, at the top of a private road overlooking the Mediterranean.

“I had my colleagues repatriated over the phone and they asked me for clothes, shoes and toiletries. They left for two or three days to report and left all their belongings in Beijing ”, explains Olivier Lucazeau. The journalist at the AFP office in Marseille gave two bags to Red Cross volunteers who act as intermediaries to avoid any direct contact. "I didn't have them for long, but everything seems to be going well, the atmosphere is good. "

“When they arrived, the evacuees were tired but friendly and kind. There is no tension in the shelter. Life is getting organized, we have set up our concierge system, we are going to do the shopping in the city for people in quarantine, we manage meals, entertainment for families… ”confirms Christophe Letourmy, president of the unit local of the Red Cross of Martigues.

"They are not cut off from the world"

The rescuer prepared the arrival of the French on Thursday before participating in their welcome Friday in the middle of the afternoon, having only given themselves a few hours of sleep. “They understand very well the public health measures that have been taken concerning them. They have access to the media, to the Internet, they are not cut off from the world. Fourteen days is a long time, but they accept it. We will do everything to make it happen for them. "

Rescue worker at the French Red Cross since his 16 years, Christophe Letourmy did not hesitate to volunteer and will return to the center next weekend after his week as product manager for the health IT group Softway Medical. He also reassured his colleagues on Friday on the precautions taken in the center to avoid possible contagion.

“Our priority is to not take any risks for our volunteers, we work with the doctors and nurses of the health reserve who are present in the center. By wearing masks and respecting the instructions, we completely reduce the risk, especially since for the moment there is no one sick ”, continues the thirty-something who supervises the team of volunteers from Bouches-du- Rhône and neighboring departments, which take turns in shifts. “For us it is an emergency shelter like the others. I had already known this a few years ago with a fire that had caused the evacuation of 1,200 campers. There, what is particular is to have to wear a mask and gloves and to meet only masked people. "

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