The Limited Times

Guillaume Gallienne: "I don't want to become the Mr. Literature of France Inter"

2/1/2020, 6:43:07 PM

The comedian decided to stop on February 8 his program "It can't hurt", where he read every Saturday a book for ten years su

Surprise tonight for the faithful of France Inter. After his broadcast, Guillaume Gallienne (47) announced that he would stop "It can't hurt" on February 8. Every Saturday since September 2009, he read a large book there between 6 and 7 pm. The actor explains his choice.

Why do you stop "It can't hurt"? Have you read all the books in your library?

GUILLAUME GALLIENNE. It is true that in ten years and almost 400 programs, we have almost an ideal library! But the main reason is that you have to be wary of routine ... Gluttony for beautiful texts, I will always have them but I don't want to lose freshness. When I listen to myself, there is a sweet but dangerous purr in my voice! Sometimes I want to say to myself: "But your face, Guillaume"!

The other reason is that they only talk to me about that. The other evening in Antibes, we were playing “The Imaginary Patient” and when we left the stage, a gentleman rushed towards me and launched me (he imitated): “Well done for the play but then your show! No, but your show! It is pleasant but I do not want to become the Mr. literature of France Inter. I love reading. I'm not the only one. So, see you on February 8, and after bye-bye!

However, you have modernized your texts. At the start it was Hugo, Proust, Racine. Now you are also reading Tolkien, Simenon, etc.

Ten years ago, I was very classic in my tastes. I hardly read contemporary authors. Thanks to the show, I opened up. When I was approached ten years ago, Philippe Val (Editor's note: who then ran the public station) gave me carte blanche. Reading is my job as an actor. I choose texts that constitute me. With Estelle Gapp and Fanny Leroy (Editor's note: the producers) , we take extracts for each book that make you want to read.

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For the last one, what did you choose?

I'm going to read poems by my cousin, Alicia Gallienne, which we are going to publish for the first time at Gallimard (Editor's note: "The other half of the dream belongs to me", which comes out on February 6) . I was very close to her. She died on December 24, 1990. She was 20 years old, I was 18. It was on the day of her funeral that I decided to become an actor. She wrote sublime poems between 14 and 20 years old. Until now, we had never thought of publishing them. I am happy to pay tribute to his talent, 30 years after his tragic death…

“I recorded two issues every two weeks. It was my recreation, ”says Guillaume Gallienne. LP / Frédéric Dugit

You didn't want the show to continue with another actor?

I proposed. I was told no. I have to see Sibyle Veil to ask her if it is possible that the ten seasons are available in podcasts in France, of course, but also for small radio stations in French-speaking countries.

You are not leaving France Inter. Do you have other projects with Radio France?

I have other ideas, we'll see. I will miss it, radio. I recorded two numbers every two weeks. It was my recreation. I liked. I love this antenna, I could spend my life listening to France Inter.

Are you going to have time for your feature film project "The Almond and the sea horse"?

We don't need a lot of money but we still need more to start filming in England… So we're waiting! The scenario is sublime. It is the story of two couples. In each of them, one of the lovers had a head trauma… One loses immediate memory and the other always returns at the time of his accident, fifteen years before. It mostly talks about the impossibility of mourning someone who is still alive. Currently, I'm also adapting Proust's “Search for Lost Time” into a series, which I transpose in the 1970s, 80s and 90s. It's titanic. There would be three seasons of six and eight episodes. Then we'll go get a chain.

You are announced in the new season of "Ten percent", alongside Sigourney Weaver. That is true ?

I filmed this week! I'm just a guest. Dominique Besnehard has been talking to me about "Ten percent" for ten years. Originally, he wanted me to play one of the agents and it didn't happen. He absolutely wanted me to come before the end of the series. I dreamed of just making an appearance, the time of a single shot with a cat and a big dog. Because the first time I went to his agency, I saw a big star land like that. With his hair on his tongue, Dominique said to me: (he imitates him) "I'm not going to take you just to spend with a chatouche and a big dog". So, he wrote me a few scenes.

And with Sigourney Weaver, did it go well?

It's a "very nice lady". The class embodied. She has a lot of humor. The humor that the guests have about themselves is insane. On the set, Camille Cottin said to me: "Don't look too nice, don't forget that you are playing Guillaume Gallienne! "