The Limited Times

Italiacamp turns 10, we team up to change Italy

2/1/2020, 4:43:19 PM

Connect those who have a good idea with those who have the means to achieve it. This is the intuition from which a group of students from Luiss University created Italiacamp ten years ago. This is the strategy from which the company relaunches, for the next ten years, with the invitation to citizens, companies and institutions to join the Italy teams to carry out seven projects for Italy. The main initiative is the opening of the Officine del Mezzogiorno innovation hub in Lecce on the model of the centers of Rome, Milan, Turin and Brindisi.
The initiatives were presented during the celebrations for ItaliaCamp's ten years of activity, at Rome Fiumicino airport, in which the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, took part. "Knowing that this association was born from the idea of ​​twenty young graduates, animated by the desire to build not only their individual future, but that of entire communities, is a source of inspiration and encouragement for me," said the premier who launched at Italiacamp the challenge of participating in the construction site for Taranto. The president of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti, also spoke, who underlined the importance of the "ethics of collaboration".
The event "Together: ten years for the country" was an opportunity to retrace the last ten years from that "light on in the evening in a small room at Luiss, while the other lights were off with about twenty kids with the extravagant idea to discuss, almost secretly, a project with the aim of doing something lasting for the country ", as told by the first president of ItaliaCamp, Pier Luigi Celli, one of the mentors of the project together with the honorary president Antonio Catricalà and the councilor delegate Gianni Letta.
"The word together is the one that tells better than any other the past ten years and the future ten, the one that most of all represents our nature: together with people, companies, associations, institutions, territories", explains the president of the Italiacamp association Leo Cisotta. The association is the main partner of the ItaliaCamp company, which also has Invitalia, Italian Fs, Poste Italiane, RCS and Unipol as shareholders, with their top management at Fiumicino.
The managing director of the Italiacamp company, Fabrizio Sammarco then presented the model of the Italy team: "the model has the objective of generating new value for the country - he said - placing at the center of the relationship between public and private people. An impact proposal open to all those who want to make their contribution to solving still unresolved problems in our society, develop innovations and carry out human transformations connected to the use of increasingly advanced technologies ".
In the last ten years Italiacamp projects such as the introduction of simplified srls have allowed the birth of 233 thousand new zero-capital companies, between 2011 and 2018, which over time have invoiced more than 20 billion. There are seven main challenges for the next ten years: an academy for the professions of the future, a network of incubators for the economy of the economy, new avant-garde multifunctional centers, Officine del Mezzogiorno for business development and innovation, digital literacy and a human school, where the training courses focus on "knowing how to be" rather than "knowing how to do". Until May you can apply to participate in these projects on

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