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The Arab League Stands Along with Abu Mazen: "Reject Trump Deal" | Israel today

2/1/2020, 4:04:13 PM

the Middle East

The body uniting diplomatic representatives from all Arab states convened for Cairo emergency following the political plan • The delegates issued a joint statement: "The deal does not meet the minimum required" • During the meeting, the PA chairman said: "All relations with Israel, including the security, will be cut off"

  • Abu Mazen // Photo: IP

Foreign Ministers of the Arab League on Saturday rejected US President Donald Trump's century deal with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, contrary to statements by Arab states, most of which did not reject the plan.

A joint statement issued by foreign ministers at the end of the Cairo emergency meeting stated: "We reject the Centennial Plan because it does not meet the minimum aspirations of the Palestinian people and contradicts the terms of the peace process. We emphasize our support for the Arab peace initiative."

Trump and Netanyahu present the century plan // Photo: White House spokesmen

Earlier, Palestinian Authority Chairman Abu Mazen spoke at a conference announcing the cancellation of agreements between the PA and Israel. Abu Mazen added that he had sent a letter to Israel and the United States informing the states of the decision, writing: "There will be no contact with you, including security relations. Because of your violation of the internationally signed and legitimate decisions, the Israelis must bear responsibility for everything as an occupying power. "

In this connection, he made clear: "The Israelis must accept the gift of Oslo, food and drink and security, and we tell them that the Trump program will have consequences for us and you, and our right to continue to fight legally through peaceful means for ending the occupation and achieving our independent state's dream."

Abbas: "I will never receive annexation of Jerusalem" // Photo: Oren Ben Hakun

Meanwhile, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyadh al-Maliki announced that Abu Mazen will deliver a speech to the UN Security Council on February 11. According to Malachi, Abbas will present his alternative peace plan.

"The century deal is rejected, but we still believe in peace," Abu Mazen added, noting that even though Netanyahu served as prime minister for a long time, he does not believe in peace and no progress in negotiations at the time.

Abu Mazen also said that despite meetings with President Trump, nothing was achieved. He said he told Trump he believed in disarmament, but after a few months, the PA office was closed in Washington, and the president also declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel. "I will never accept the annexation of Jerusalem to Israel, and document in history that I sold Jerusalem our eternal capital," said Abu Mazen. "They want me to recognize the Jewishness of the State of Israel, and I know very well that it is not."

Mahmoud Abbas argued that US intelligence supported the vision of the Solution Authority, as did US security officials. He also said he refused to accept the plan and get any message from the US president because the administration was interested in saying he consulted him.

"Netanyahu doesn't believe in peace." Netanyahu and Trump present "Century Deal" // Photo: IP

"We will not accept the US alone as a mediator"

"Americans want Palestine's capital to be Abu Dis, some small village in Jerusalem. The West Bank and Gaza make up 22 percent of historic Palestine and we want it, and now want to take 32 percent of these territories," Abu Mazen said.

PA chairman said he knows nothing about the plan and who is really in charge of it are US ambassador to Israel David Friedman, adviser Jared Kushner and envoy Jason Greenblatt.

"We are not worthless," the PA chairman emphasized. "We want to find a solution and therefore we have requested a peace conference led by the International Quartet. We will never accept America alone as a mediator because we tried it. The Americans want me to accept the annexation of Jerusalem and divide al-Aqsa, and to abolish the right of return and overthrow Gaza. "

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