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The CEO of Twitter eats one meal every day - and that's how it looks - Walla! Health

2/1/2020, 7:40:07 AM

Many of us want to adopt the habits of successful people so that our career and bank account may also notice a change. This Jack Dorsey habit is not sure you will or will adopt - but ...

The CEO of Twitter eats one meal every day - and that's how it looks

Many of us want to adopt the habits of successful people so that our career and bank account may also notice a change. This Jack Dorsey habit is not sure you will or will adopt - but also not sure he will do you any good

No longer thinking about food. Jack Dorsey (Photo: shutterstock)

Jack Dorsey Twitter CEO (Photo: ShutterStock)

Jack Dorsey is considered one of the most prominent figures in the digital world with a capital valued at no less than $ 4 billion. He set up the iconic Twitter and gained a great deal of interest in the United States and around the world thanks to several interviews in which he told of his unique habits. These interviews were cited repeatedly in many media outlets around the world, and, as in "Broken Phone," the information intensified and distorted until it went out of proportion. So many believed that Dorsey eats five meals a week and adheres to two hours of meditation, and 52 minutes in the sauna each day. Yes, every day.

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It is unclear how such a routine at all leaves time for running one of the most recognized companies in the world, and it is clear that people usually have a tendency to inflate every piece of information they hear and pass on. That's why 43-year-old Dorsey decided to interview live on the Wired website, answer any user's questions and refute some of the strange rumors circulating about him. For our part, we try to pass on exactly what he said so as not to sin ourselves out of proportion.

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The mind is free from the thoughts of food

"Part of it is real," Dorsey said in an interview. "I try to practice meditation for at least two hours every day. I certainly don't go into the sauna or ice bath every day and I eat seven meals a week - only in the evening." This Dorsey habit is based on a trend that has swept many in recent years and is called intermittent fasting. The diet gained popularity in the world after giant stars like Beyonce adopted it.

Knowing big. Beyonce (Photo: Image Bank GettyImages)

Beyonce (Photo: GettyImages)

Some diet advocates say that along with losing weight and maintaining it over time - it also increases energy levels and improves sleep quality. However, the research on the subject has not yet made a definite determination in this regard. But Dorsey, like many others, is not waiting for research and has already stated in a past interview that "during the day I feel much more focused. This time I save on breakfast and lunch helps me focus on planning my day."

But just before you follow Dorsey and Beyoncé - you better know that this habit doesn't affect everyone the same way. Experts explain that the diet can have the opposite effect on some people. Many who have experienced it say that during the day they feel "brain fog" and a severe feeling of hunger that makes it difficult to manage.

Recently, our home physician, Dr. Idan Goren, explained extensively about the diet and its dangers. He reviewed studies that found that the diet did help lose weight, balance blood sugar and reduce the hormone leptin-related hormone. However, it is like doctors. And other researchers warn that the diet can cause nutritional deficiencies and extreme hunger that will eventually make us break down and eat even less healthy than before.

What does Dorsey's plate look like?

Dorsey said he only eats between 6:30 pm and 9:00 pm - and in most cases he adheres to a high-protein menu that includes chicken, steak or fish with the addition of spinach, asparagus, sprouts or other vegetables. If you look terribly dull and gray - he also makes it clear that he also "indulges" sometimes with a dessert that includes, hold strong, berries, dark chocolate and red wine. Surely this is a man who lives on the edge.

Protein and vegetables. And that's it. Chicken dish with rocket salad (Photo: shutterstock)

Chicken breast with rocket and cherry tomatoes (Photo: ShutterStock)

While this menu includes everything we always tell you right about eating, experts warn that it could be a real danger to people with medical conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. When we only eat once a day, we limit the harmful substances that enter our bodies - but also the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients needed for our normal functioning throughout the day.

So, instead of drifting over trendy diets, you should build a rich, balanced menu that won't make you hungry throughout the day and know that you will be able to persevere over time. For it to work, it is important that it be a menu that you also enjoy and will not feel that you are punishing yourself through it. After all, we all know that when we fight ourselves - in most cases, this leads to the inevitable breaking that will cause us to raid the refrigerator and moan uncontrollably.