The Limited Times

The people of the Golan renew their rejection of the occupation plan to install wind turbines on their lands

2/1/2020, 5:13:07 PM

Quneitra-SANA The sons of the occupied Syrian Golan renewed their condemnation and total rejection of the Zionist settlement plan to establish


The sons of the occupied Syrian Golan renewed their condemnation and total rejection of the Zionist settlement plan by setting up air fans (turbines) on their agricultural lands and forfeiting their property by force.

And our people in the occupied Golan considered during a statement issued by their meeting in the town of Majdal Shams that the decision of the air fans is an unjust aggression against the people of the Golan to displace them and take away their own and inherited lands over time, affirming their adherence to the land of parents and grandparents and their Syrian Arab identity.

The sons of the occupied Golan announced their tomorrow of a general strike that would include all sectors of society and life facilities, and made every effort to confront this decision by all available means and means, warning the occupation government against the consequences of carrying out its aggressive decision.

The people of the Golan renewed their confidence in the victory of the right to defend their historical and moral existence and their willingness to exert all costs for the dignity of the occupied Syrian Arab Golan and its inherent affiliation to its history and homeland.

The scheme of the turbines, or what is known as the air fans, which the occupation entity is trying to pass under the pretext of generating electricity from wind energy, includes the installation of about 52 giant air fans, the confiscation of about 600 dunums of the lands of the occupied Golan and their displacement from their homes.

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